Status: In Progress

I'm in Love With Poisoning

Your Bottle's Your Mistress

We drove in silence for the first five minutes. But it wasn't one of those awkward silences. It was comfortable. Finally, he turned to me.
"I'm Andy by the way."
"Hi Andy, I'm Claire." I responded.
"Nice to meet you Claire," Once again, he smiled that smile that gave me butterflies. He turned on the radio, and one of his CD's was playing. It was Sleeping with Sirens' album, Let's Cheers to This. He was in the middle of A Trophy Father's Trophy Son, and that song caught me off guard. It was basically my life in a song. I never really felt like I had parents I could depend on. My heart dropped and I choked back a sob, already feeling more tears welling up. Thankfully, Andy didn't notice this.
"So, do you want to talk about why you were crying on my street by yourself at 12:30?" He asked cautiously.
"It's kind of a long story," I said with a small chuckle.
"Well, it looks like we're not that close to your friend's house, so we got some time,"
I sighed, knowing that I should let it out to someone instead of bottling it up. I knew it would just be worse if I did.
I told him everything. The sleepless nights filled with tears, my parents' constant disapproval with everything I did. I even told him about their alcoholism. I told him how sometimes I would get home and they would be so drunk and angry that they would start to throw things. I showed him the scar on my forehead from this. My dad had gotten mad because I got home late from Mike's house and he threw a bottle at the wall beside me. One of the shards flew back and cut me.
It felt good to let it all out. He just sat there and listened, never interrupting. When I was finished, he didn't say anything. I don't know if he didn't know what to say, or he was contemplating dropping me off at the side of the road. I mean, who would want a psychopath in their car?
"I'm so sorry Claire. You don't deserve that."
"It's ok, it's not your fault." I silently let tears fall while looking out the window. I hated when people saw me cry.
He pulled over into a gas station parking lot and turned off his car. He turned to face me.
"Claire, look at me,"
I turned and saw that his eyes were a bit red from tears too.
"You are magnificent. And I've only known you for about an hour. That says something. I never like people right off the bat."
I smirked and looked down at my hands. He took my face in his hands and locked eyes with me.
"I honestly feel sorry for your parents because they can't see how amazing their daughter is. You deserve so much better. I wish I could give you that."
Tears were now pouring out of my eyes at an alarming rate.
"Thank you so much Andy. You have no idea how much that means to me."
He pulled me into a hug and we kinda just sat there for a bit. We both pulled away and he started the car again.
"So, remind me again where your friend lives.”
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Title: A Trophy Father's Trophy Son -Sleeping With Sirens