Status: In Progress

I'm in Love With Poisoning

It's the First Day of Our Lives

"How come you never told me?" I asked, still in shock.
"I don't know, I didn't think it mattered." He said, shrugging.
"It doesn't, it's just something I would've liked to have known."
"Well, judging by the fact that you didn't know who I was, I'm guessing you're not a fan?"
"Not really. I hadn't heard of you till right now. My friend Michael here," I gestured to Mike who is now standing beside me, grinning like a 6 year old in a candy shop. "Is a big fan of your music. He had bought an extra ticket for me to come today."
"Well, how did you like our set?" He asked curiously.
"It was actually really good. I think I've only heard one of your songs, actually. I guess I never knew it was you. I think it was called Knives and Pens. Mike made me listen to it."
"Well I'm glad you liked it. Wanna come meet the band?" I was guessing this question was mostly directed to Mike, but he was looking mostly at me. Mike was now jumping with joy. Andy led us past the barriers and around to the back of the stage. The whole band was sitting on fold out chairs, sipping beers. They were all really friendly. CC made me laugh a lot. Jinxx was kinda quiet but was still nice. Jake was also really nice. He was also really talented. But Ashley and I connected the most. He was asking me about Andy and I, and what had happened the night before. It was like we had been best friends our whole life. It wasn't until about an hour later, that Andy had pulled me away from the group. He held onto my waist and took me to their tour bus. He pulled me onto the bus.
"What are we doing here Andy?"
"I needed to get a hoodie."
"Why? It's so hot outside! And you're already wearing pants!"
"I'm not cold, Claire. I just wanna check out some other bands. But I need something to hide my face. I don't want us to get mobbed by fans."
He walked into the back room and came back out holding two black sweaters. He tossed one at me.
"What do I need one for?" I asked.
"Just in case one of us is spotted. I don't want you to get hate."
We walked through the crowds. I was scared of getting torn away from Andy so I managed to stay as close as possible. He looked down at me and those eyes just made me melt. He had taken off all of his makeup and he looked gorgeous. He smiled at me and took my hand in his. Our fingers intertwined and it felt like a swarm of butterflies had just been released in my stomach. It just felt so amazing to be with him.
We walked over to another stage. This one didn't have a banner up for some reason. Andy walked up to the barriers and nodded at the security guard standing there. He obviously knew him, because he let him through.
"She's with me." Andy said to the security guard who was giving me a suspicious glance. He let us both through. Andy led me backstage where there was a band warming up.
"Claire, I would like you to meet some friends of mine. I don't know if you know them or not, but they're in a band called Sleeping with Sirens. They're pretty good."
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Title: Maybe Tonight -The Summer Set