Green Eyes

Chapter 1: Deal

Life sucks, and then you die.

It’s the motto I live by, and I’ve never had a reason to doubt it.

Nothing like a horse tranquilizer to the neck and years of experiments to get that point across.

I gotta tell you, shit like that will turn a girl off to science for a lifetime.

Then again, what do I know?

I’m just the guinea pig

A slit appeared in the far wall, the slightest imperfection on the smooth white surface, forming a doorway.

I watched it, claws scraping against each other as my fingers flexed, sharpening with each swipe.

The door opened with only the slightest whir of gears, sliding into the wall, and six guards stomped in, electric batons held at the ready.

Armed as they were, most of them were lanky, whipcord-thin under their sturdy armor, and with skittish deer eyes behind their thick visors.

I could smell the nervous sweat from where I sat against the opposite wall, and a smile crossed my face, more fang than was safe for them as my pupils contracted into slits.

“Morning, gentlemen.” I greeted them, chipper. “Time for breakfast?”

One of the senior guys-a bigger, older man with a scar over his missing eye I liked to call Spot-stepped forward, a frown taking up what I could see of his face.

“Experiment 416, you are being moved to a secure facility on New Mecca for a…demonstration.”

“Am I now?” I drawled back, looking over the other nervous guards. “And why should I?”

Spot’s frown turned into a scowl, like he wasn’t happy about something.

“You behave, you travel without chains, without muzzle, and without a collar. You get on the ship without a fuss, and that won’t change.”

My claws clicked softly against each other as I mulled over the offer, studying his face for deception as I weighed my choices.

“Well, when you put it like that…”

I grinned-more than bit predatory, considering how some of the guards cowered-, and leaned back, completely relaxed.

“You’ve got a deal.”