Green Eyes

Chapter 4: Teasing

Deserts are not exactly my ideal environment, to be honest.

In my experience, sand has a tendency to get in some uncomfortable places.

I felt my pupils contract at the brightness outside, and I made sure to tilt my head back, hiding the change as I observed the twin suns and got my reaction under control.

The other survivors had grouped together a few yards away, getting to know each other, but I didn’t bother to join in.

Their survival was still up for debate, after all.

But I kept an eye on the merc, Johns, since even an idiot could shoot a big gauge, and I’m not a fan of being shot.

Eventually, though, I got bored of their attempts to make a survival plan.

They barely knew what they were doing, and I wasn’t much in the mood to enlighten them.

So, when I was sure no one was paying attention, I slipped back into the ship, purposely ignoring the itch growing under my skin at the sense of confinement.

The convict, Riddick, was chained to a thick support beam, bit and blindfold still in place from before.

I paused near the wall, happily taking in the sight of all those muscles, stretched taut from the position the chains held him in.

I’d never seen any other guy that looked half as impressive, even tied up as he was, and I could appreciate the deadliness.

Riddick turned his head my way, a flash of reflected light beneath the blindfold, and I couldn’t help but smile.

Oh, this was gonna be fun.


Riddick smelled her long before she even entered the ship.

Wind and dark jungles and fire, with a hint of blood underneath that warned of danger.

The girl paused, most likely hanging back near the wall to study him, and the convict held back a smirk.

Taking a deep breath, the sweetness of unfulfilled arousal still lingering around her filled his senses.

Riddick would be more than happy to help with that.

Tilting his head, he was able to see her through the slit of his blindfold, appreciating the sight.

Even after such a major crash, she was completely unharmed, only the tattered edges of her shortened jeans and the tear in her white tank top showing any sign that she had been thrown about outside her cryo tube.

She had an almost innocent face, but the spark of mischief in those bright green eyes told the truth.

Oh, he was looking forward to seeing what this little vixen considered fun.

“That looks uncomfortable.” She noted, approaching with an almost feline grace to crouch in front of the chained Riddick. “I can help with that.”

There was great disappointment when she began to undo the bit instead of his pants, but Riddick assuaged it with the perfect view down her torn shirt thanks to the new angle.

The girl went still as he pressed forward, breathing in at her neck with a sigh once the bit was gone.

Her skin was soft, like velvet, but there was a hardness underneath when she tensed up that was new.

“Been a long time since I’ve smelled beautiful.” Riddick rumbled, smirking at the little hitch in her breath as her heartbeat stuttered faster.

“Bet you say that to all the girls you crash-land with.” She teased with a breathless little laugh.

But she stayed put, let him touch, and Riddick growled softly as the sweet scent of arousal intensified.

The girl closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, and-

Something caught her attention at that moment.

A little twitch of her head, and those bright green eyes flickered towards one of the new doorways made by the crash.


She pulled back, already regaining control of her pulse, and he growled at the lost moment.

“Gotta run.” She admitted, a mischievous tilt to her smile. “But here’s my number.”

Slipping a knife from her waistband, she hid the blade in a similar spot of his pants, fingers grazing skin as she winked.

“Call me.”

And then she was off, silent as a shadow, before Carolyn was even ten feet from entering the room.

Riddick watched her go, intrigued, and effectively ignored his new audience.

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Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I know it's been a while, so here are a couple chapters in apology for taking so long.
