Green Eyes

Chapter 5: A Name

Did I mention I’m surrounded by idiots?

“You all do realize that alcohol will dehydrate you faster, right?”

Johns glared at me, defiantly taking another swig from his bottle, and I just smiled.

“Well, it won’t be a total loss. I won’t have to see your ugly mug a day or two sooner than expected.”

This time he turned around in obvious anger, and I almost laughed.

Honestly, did he think that would intimidate me?

“What the hell do you know anyway, pipsqueak?”

“I know that you’re a moron.” I pointed out, still smiling.

I had never gotten a person to start twitching like that so quickly, and I considered it a new record.

Unfortunately, before I could see if someone could actually burst a vessel out of frustration, Jack ran up and attached herself to my arm like a leech.

“There you are! Come on, it’s our job to look through the cargo!”

Damn it, but she’s a cute pup…

“Alright, alright, I’m coming.” I grumbled only half-heartedly, letting her tug me away.

The adults were making plans for a scouting party, for breathers, and scrambling around to get ready.

Honestly, this is a desert.

Any water would be underground, if there is any, and whatever animals lived there wouldn’t be stupid enough to roam around during the hottest part of the day.

If Carolyn knew anything, she’d have gotten to the radiator and gotten water from there, at least for the pups.

Food could be done without for a lot longer than water.

Ducking into the detached cargo hold, I watched Jack scamper further inside, scanning the area briefly for anything overtly useful.

Spot’s scent caught my attention then, and I followed it further inside, shoulder muscles tensing up as the light was blocked out by the damaged metal roof.

Taking a moment to check on Jack where she was rummaging through boxes a few feet away, I kicked a bulky chest out of my way and grabbed up the duffel underneath, smirking.

Good ol’ Spot, always prepared

“What’s your name?”

I paused in undoing the zipper, sending the kit a curious look.


“Your name.” Jack repeated. “I just realized you never told anyone what it is.”

I considered deflecting the question again, but tossed the thought aside.

No point in lying to a pup, really.

“Don’t have one.” I told her, opening the duffel so I could properly see inside.

“What do you mean you don’t have one? Everyone has a name!”

“Never needed one.” I admitted, rummaging through to take inventory of what my old warden had brought.

“What am I supposed to call you if you don’t have a name?”

“There’s always the ever-popular ‘Hey, you’.”

I snickered at her upset pout, waving off her concerns.

“Why don’t you come up with something, kit? I don’t really care.”

Jack let out a happy little sound, like she had just gotten her hands on a sweet, but I mostly ignored her.

Let’s see; six combat knives, a small emergency med-kit, a small gauge, extra rounds, a week’s worth of nutrient rations, taser-


I paused for a moment, thoughts tumbling over each other, and I looked up at Jack with a blankness I didn’t feel.


She scuffed her sneaker on the floor, almost shyly, and the words came out hesitantly.

“Because of how green your eyes are…I think it suits you.”

I had thought she would come up with something plain or ridiculous, like Alice or Guinevere, a name I could laugh at and shrug off.

But, damn it, she had to actually put thought into it and care

Swallowing past the sudden lump in my throat, I shrugged in feigned indifference, rifling through the duffel half-heartedly.

“Not a bad name, I guess…”

I saw Jack’s gaze out of my peripheral, big and hopeful, and I crumbled.

“Might as well use it.”

The pup practically lit up in joy at that, and I couldn’t bring myself to regret it.

There are worse names, after all.