Status: Just Beginning!

The Shinoda and the Bennington

Day One

"Mike no the last time I talked to him was in high school and I even hated him too he is a cocky asshole and I will not go on tour with you guys even if you are my brother" I say putting my hands on my hips and looking at him eyes slit.
"Come on Meegan please please I really want you to come with me I hate leaving you here alone" I roll my eyes and look at him again the puppy dog face plastered across his features.
"Dont you dare do that to me Mike you know I cant stand it when you do that" I say looking away quickly then back at him in hopes that the expression was gone.
"Michael Kenji Shinoda you stop that right now I cant go on tour with you I have to…. I have to" I bite my lip and think of some sort of plausible excuse for not going on tour with him. He waits with arms crossed over his chest for my answer.
"Wait whats this Megs may have run out of excuse and has to come with us?" Mike asks putting his hand behind his ear.
"Fine I have to go pack and let me tell you it will take me awhile" I say beginning to walk past him.
"Actually its all done" He grins and motions over his shoulder next thing I know I see Joe and Brad lugging my bags out of the house.
"You knew I was going to say yes" I shove his shoulder and he smiles at me more.
"Some times you're a pain in my ass" I roll my eyes and climb onto the bus.
"To Chester" Brad points forward and I scoff.
"Try and be nice okay?" Mike asks with pleading eyes.
"Ill try but the first cocky thing that comes out of his mouth I am gonna snap" I say pushing my headphones into my ears and turning up my Zune. I nod my head in time with the music and smile as avenged sevenfold fills my head.
"Hey Meggie Hey pay attention to me I want to show something to you!!" I see Joe jumping up and down in front of me waving his hands.
"Yes Mr. Hahn, how can I help you?" I pull my headphones out of my ears smiling at him.
"Listen to this He smiles at me pushing more headphones into my hands." I slide them over my head and the beat thumps in my ears. I nod my head and feel the need to dance. I feel the music wash over me and before I know it the beat is washed out and the song ends.
"Joe this is amazing" I giggle and pass him back his phones.
"Thank you" He smiles and sticks his tongue out.
*** Hours later***
"Mike it has been forever cooped up on this bus and you know I hate staying in one place for an extended period of time" I whine.
"Did you just whine?" Mike asks looking up from his note book.
"Yeah I did" I look at the ground.
"Well we just crossed the Gilbert, Arizona line so we will be at Chester's in about 20 minutes. Oh did I mention we are staying there tonight? Or did the thought just slip my mind" My head snaps up and I stand from the couch.
"Michael Kenji!" I yell my fists clenching. I grab a magazine and roll it up. I hit him with the news paper until Brad pulls me off and sits me back on the couch.
"How dare you let that "Little" detail slip your mind" I say glaring at him.
"Sorry" He shrugs rubbing the places I hit him.
"I hope you know at this point in time I have deep deep dislike for you" I say still glaring at him.
"Guess what guys were here!" Brad smiles as we stop in front of Chester's house.
"Well Meegan Takori Shinoda welcome to hell" I say putting all of my things into my little backpack and sling it over my shoulder.
I walk off of the bus and there he is standing in his front door smiling at all of his band mates until his eyes land on me and his smile drops into a grimace. I see him walking towards us.
"Come inside there's some one I want you guys to meet" He smirks at me and I can only imagine what's in there. We all get inside and the guys scatter around the house.
"Mike this is Sarah" He pulls her to his side she giggles and gives my brother the eye.
"Hello Mike" she puts her hand out for him to take.
"Oh and who is this?" She says in her nasally annoying voice.
"I'm Meegan Mike's sister"
"Oh so you're a Shinoda too I love your last name" She winks at me. I roll my eyes and cross my arms.
"Oh looks like some one is having a pissy fit already"
"Bennington don't you dare start with me"
"Or you will do what?" He challenges.
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Let me know what you think I am just trying stuff out right now :) Thanks loves!