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The X-Kid Army

She's a Rebel Vigilante

Adrienne darted across the street, accidentally stepping in a puddle beside a sewer grate. The dirty water splashed all over her sneakers and her camo pants.

"Damn it." She muttered to herself. She pressed herself up against the side of a building and peered around the corner. She saw one of Mad Max's Freakshow Clowns pacing back and forth, calmly. As if she wasn't afraid of clowns already, this one had a massive gun in his white-gloved hands. He was clearly not paying attention, however, so she signaled for Scout to run across the street and join her.

Scout was like a little sister to her. She had found the fifteen year old hiding out in an abandoned factory. Her family had been murdered by a group of Freakshow Clowns. Her father, a journalist, had been writing about the evil atrocities committed by Mad Max and his Freakshow Army. They came to his house the night after he published the paper, and slaughtered him along with the rest of Scout's family. Scout only survived because she had accidentally fallen asleep on the couch in her basement, and the Freaks never even knew she was there. After hearing her story, Adrienne realized how much this girl needed her. Two months had gone by, and they had really become sisters.

Scout followed Adrienne's lead and ran across the street, although she avoided the puddle.

"Adie, this is such a bad idea." Scout whispered nervously, running a hand through her short, curly hair. Adrienne was really wishing her hair was short these days, it was a nightmare to take care of without having running water everyday. It had started to look like dreads, and at this point, she had stopped caring and just thrown it in a ponytail.

"Nonsense! It's always a good idea to piss off Mad Max!" Adrienne said, grinning.

"Everyone else is wearing prison jumpsuits or clown costumes, we're gonna stick out like a sore thumb!" Scout protested.

"Scout, we have to remind people that they can fight Freakshow, and that there's people out there, like us, who are still free! And not everyone is dressed like that, some of the clowns are wearing suits." Adrienne said. Scout rolled her eyes. "Just help me put up this poster!"

"Fine." Scout muttered.

The two began to put up the giant "Down with the Madness" poster, well as giant as they could make it with little to no resources. Suddenly, a clown across the street turned towards their direction and saw them.

"Street Rats!" He yelled, and started running at them. 'Street Rats was the lovely term for anyone who lived in New York City who wasn't under Mad Max and the Freakshow's control, or in their prisons. Street Rats were the people who had survived and were still free.

"Run!" Adrienne screamed. She and Scout took off down the street. By now, the other clowns had seen or heard them and were starting to chase after them as well. The girls continued down the street and ducked into an alley.

"Quick!" Adrienne said, as they ran toward the end of the alley.

"What do we do now?!" Scout wailed as they reached a fence blocking the end of the alley. Adrienne knew it would take too long to try to climb the fence, but the surrounding boxes and dumpsters would be much easier to scale.

"Follow me." Adrienne said. The two girls scrambled over the fence in record time. "Down here." She said, and lifted a manhole cover, scraping the heavy metal across the ground. Scout climbed down the ladder, followed by Adrienne, who closed the cover after her. Knowing they couldn't go back up with the Clowns looking for them, they descended down the ladder into the darkness.