Status: I'm really not sure about this. :s


It was so loud she couldn't think. It was too quiet and she could hear everything. No matter what she did, sleep wouldn't come. The annoying noises would echo forever and she contemplated choking herself out or shoving a pillow over her face to smother herself into passing out. Then she saw him leaning against the wall by lamplight, a leg raised to rest his arm on, something in his hand. If anyone else, she'd think the pose endearing, but she continued to stare and he opened those eyes that made her crawl in her own skin. She hadn't an idea who the man in her room was or what he wanted but her brother was no longer and secretly she hoped he was Death Himself to take her from misery's grasp.

She'd start each night dry sobbing into a pillowcase, trying to will away the noises plaguing her as he just.. stood there.
  1. One
    She watched him die.
  2. Two
    She wanted nothing more than to kill them all.
  3. Three
    She hoped to avenge him.
  4. Four
    She wanted to die but wouldn't.
  5. Five
    And he wouldn't let her, either.