To Mend A Broken Heart

Chapter 15 - Meet My Fist


Yugi scrambled across the couch towards the box of tissues that were sitting on the coffee table, only to sneeze again before he reached them. Yami then walked into the room holding a small mug of warm soup.

"What on earth are you doing?" Yami asked, placing the soup down on the table.

Yugi blew his nose, and then answered, "I was sitting on the opposite end of the couch to the tissues," he said. Yami smiled and shook his head, Yugi's voice sounded adorable when he was sick. The boy had been out the previous day in the wind and the rain, claiming that it would do him no harm, but this morning he had woken up feeling quite sick. Of course, Yami had come over after he'd finished uni to look after the guy, so he could rest and get better. Yugi pulled the soft blanket back up around him as he grabbed the warm cup of soup in his hands, breathing in its aroma.

"You owe me for this," Yami said, picking up the plastic bag that was now full of snotty tissues, "I feel like a house wife."

Yugi chuckled, taking a sip of the soup, "can you do the washing and iron my clothes then, too?" he asked with a grin.

"Not happening," Yami said, walking out of the room. Although the task of looking after sick Yugi sounded like a drag, having to do all these little trivial tasks for him, Yami didn't mind it. He was happy to do anything for Yugi if it meant he was with him. Yami was still quite confused about his feelings towards Yugi, but he definitely knew they were there. It was quite weird, as he'd never expected to feel this way towards the same sex, but he figured he'd just play it out and see what happened. It was quite cute though looking after sick Yugi, seeing the boy all curled up on the couch with his soup and tissues. Yami walked back into the room having disposed the bag os used tissues, and picked up the TV remote.

"Want to watch a movie?" he asked.

Yugi nodded, placing the soup down, now half empty. After a few minutes of Yami raiding Yugi's cupboard of DVDs, they found a light hearted movie to watch that they could talk through if they wanted to. Yami set up the DVD player, before sitting next to Yugi on the couch. Yugi offered him the rest of the blanket, and Yami shook his head.

"You look cold enough as it is, keep it," he said with a chuckle. Yugi nodded and wrapped the blanket around himself in an attempt to warm himself up. Yami looked out the window and noticed that it had started raining outside. "What do you know," he said, "perfect weather to stay in and watch movies." Yugi agreed as he settled back against the couch.
They started watching the movie, talking and joking through it, and Yami noticed that Yugi was shivering.

"Are you still cold?" he asked. Yugi nodded, he had the blanket completely wrapped around himself. Yami had to try not to chuckle at how cute it was.

"Come here," he said, holding his arms out, "bro hug. It'll warm you up." It only took a second for Yugi to untangle himself from the blanket and move over to Yami to accept the invitation of warmth.

"Ah, you are warm," Yugi said with a chuckle. "Thank you." Yami smiled down at Yugi while the boy wasn't looking. He was enjoying this a bit too much. Yami then reminded himself not to get too caught up in these feelings he had for Yugi. He remembered the vow he had made to himself.

I can't let myself get hurt again, he thought. He then mentally brushed it off, it wasn't like this would go anywhere anyway, so he decided he would just admire Yugi from a distance until it passed.

If it passed that is.

Eventually Yugi pulled away, content that he was warm and pulled the blanket around himself again. Yami was slightly disappointed, but they continued to watch the movie until eventually, they both fell asleep.


Yami woke from his dream to light shining in his eyes. He groaned and looked up, noticing that it was morning. He looked over and saw Yugi was still curled up in the blanket next to him. Yami smiled, it was a very cute sight. He reached up into the air, stretching out his back with a low groan, before he stood up and looked out the window idly. It was a beautiful day, much better than the day before that had been rainy and gloomy. The sun was high in the sky and there was almost no clouds in sight. Maybe it would do Yugi some good to spend some time out in the sun. Some vitamin D always helps. Yami then looked at the clock, and realised that he had to be at uni in half an hour. He cursed under his breath and ran into the kitchen, grabbing a pen and paper to scribble a not for Yugi when he woke up.

Had to go to uni, I'll be back around 1, hope you're feeling better :)

With that, he grabbed his jacket and darted out the door. He had walked to Yugi's house yesterday, so he had to run back to his apartment to pick up his car and drive in. It was a good 20 minutes drive to the campus, and about a 10 minute walk to his home from Yugi's. He was pretty sure he'd be okay for time, but it didn't stop him from walking at a fairly fast pace. He walked briskly along the streets, dodging people as he went, but when he turned a corner around a building, he ran straight into someone. They both made their own versions of 'Ooph!' and Yami stumbled back. He looked up, wondering why the other didn't do the same, and his eyes widened. This was the last person he had expected to run into.

"You," the tall, well built man bellowed, narrowing his eyes.

"Austin," Yami said, surprised. The last time Yami had seen this man was when he walked in on Austin having sex with his ex girlfriend. Yami shook his head and went to walk straight past the massive man, but Austin stepped in front of him again.

"Austin, get out of my way, I have somewhere to be," Yami said, glaring up at the man. He didn't want any trouble, but if he had to use force to get Austin to move, he would.

"Well I have a bone to pick with you," Austin growled, towering over Yami with an unpleasant glare.

Yami looked at him for a moment, as they both glared at each other, before he just rolled his eyes and tried to step to the side again, "I haven't got time for this." This time when he tried to pass, Austin grabbed him by the shirt and shoved him against the wall. Yami made a grunt when his back hit the hard surface, and he glared up at Austin; his patience was wearing thin.

"What the hell do you want?!" Yami demanded.

"I had Briana right where I wanted her," Austin said through clenched teeth, "And then you had to ruin it!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Yami said, frustrated. "I've been done with her since I walked in on you two." Yami almost didn't realise that upon saying that, he didn't feel any sort of sadness like he used to, and he was glad. He was proud of himself for coming out of this mess on top. But he couldn't figure out why Austin of all people seemed to have a problem with him.

"But she went back to you!" he raged. "I had finally won her, and you were out of the picture, but for some reason she still wanted you instead of me!" he gripped Yami's collar even tighter. Yami raised his chin to try and avoid getting choked by his shirt.

"Well I rejected her sorry ass, she's your problem, not mine," he said, still glaring up at Austin.

For some reason Yami's comment enraged the man even more, and he let go of Yami's shirt, only to send his fist into the shorter man's gut. Yami's eyes widened as he felt the breath go out of him, and he hunched over for a moment, shocked at the sudden abuse.

"Meet my fist you scrawny piece of crap," he spat. It was at this point that Yami realised he probably wasn't going to get to uni on time.