To Mend A Broken Heart

Chapter 3 - The Aftermath

Yami was awoken the next morning by his alarm clock blaring from his bedside table. With his head pounding, he groaned and rolled over, looking at the time: 7am.

"Fuck that," he muttered, turning it off and rolling back over. Last night after Yugi had left, Yami had thought he felt alright, but he was oh so wrong. After a few minutes, the pain came back, and he had felt more alone than ever. He spent the rest of the night just aimlessly wandering through the streets, not wanting to go anywhere in particular, especially home. He had many pictures of Bri and him together all over his apartment, and he just didn't want to see that.

At one point he had found himself at a bar, of all places. He wasn't very fond of the taste of alcohol, and therefore wasn't a drinker, but somehow he found himself sitting at the bar ordering his 7th beer. It tasted horrible to drink, but he wasn't after the taste. He had heard of many poeple 'drinking their sorrows away', so he thought he'd give it a try, drowning his despair in each drink he ordered. After the bar tender refused to serve him any more, saying that he had had too much to drink already, he stumbled home, feeling worse than he had when he walked into the bar.

As soon as he had set foot in his apartment, tears started streaming down his face. He had forgotten about all the photos of Bri he had in his apartment. In a fit of rage, he had thrown the photo frames onto the ground, each of them smashing and scattering glass everywhere. He had then collapsed on his bed, still in his clothes, and cried himself to sleep.

Yami knew that he had uni today, but he didn't care. He had never felt worse in his entire life than he did at this moment, physically and emotionally. So, he decided to sleep the day away, hoping that his dreams would bring him refuge.

Sadly, they did not.


Yami made his way through the crowd of people dancing and drinking, utterly confused at his surroundings. Why were all these people in Bri's apartment? He pushed past everybody, careful not to bruise the flowers he held, and made his way into the hallway, calling out Bri's name. Where was she? He approached her room, as a familiar nausea started bubbling in his stomach. Somehow he knew what was coming, but he couldn't stop himself from walking up to her door and carefully pushing it open. He bit his lip, his hands stiff at his sides, and froze when the room was revealed.

Not Again, he thought with a horrible realisation. Austin turned to him, an arrogant smirk plastered on his face. "Like the sight of me doing your girl?" he snarled. Yami would have walked up to him and punched him right then and there, if it weren't for the smirk that Bri had on her face. He felt like he was going to throw up. He turned and ran through the apartment, trying to escape, but there were too many people around, and he didn't know which way to go to get out. He turned numerous corners, coming to a dead end in the form of people each way he went, he couldn't get out. He was surrounded by drunken idiots, who appeared to be unfazed by his presence. He wanted out so badly, but there was nowhere to go. Finally giving in, he collapsed, feeling the pain in his chest as his heart ached. He curled into a ball on the ground as the party goers continued to cause a riot around him, stepping on his flowers, squishing them into the carpet. He squeezed his eyes shut, willing the pain to go away, he didn't want to feel the pain of love anymore, he wanted out, he didn't want to feel anything at all. He never wanted to love again.

"How pathetic," he heard Austin's voice in his ear, "You were actually in love with her?" He snickered, "she never loved you, she's mine now."



He woke up and found himself being shook violently by someone. As an instinctual reaction, his fist collided with their jaw, causing them to stumble back. When the shock of his dream and then being suddenly awoken passed, Yami looked over and saw Joey standing back from his bed. He was staring at Yami wide-eyed, his hand on his jaw where Yami had just punched him. He looked at the clock: 3:16pm.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Joey said. Yami blinked, trying to ignore the pounding headache he had, and the stress that his nightmare had caused.

"I..." he started to say, but he just sighed and shook his head, lying back down on the bed with his back to Joey.

"Yami," Joey came over and pulled the covers off of him, "What the hell is going on? You weren't at Uni this morning, your apartment is a wreck, and I find you here looking like you have a hangover and you fucking punch me?!"

Yami just replied by groaning a, "Go away."

"No," Joey persisted, before walking over to the window and pulling the curtains open.

Yami flinched and squeezed his eyes shut as light filtered into the room, "What the hell Joey?" he groaned.

"I'm not leaving until I get some answers," Joey said. "Now why the hell do you look hungover you said you don't drink."

"Yeah and Bri said she doesn't cheat," he said bitterly, before noticing there was another picture frame on his bedside table of the two of them together. He threw it to the ground, and it smashed into billions of tiny pieces.

"Whoa, whoa," Joey said, trying to avoid the flying pieces of glass, "Calm the hell down, what did you just say?"

"Briana cheated on me," he said bluntly in a dead tone, before rolling back over, pulling the pillow over his head.

"Oh geez," Joey said, running a hand through his hair, "I'm sorry man." He thought for a moment, "Wait, that still doesn't answer why you're hung over, you don't drink."

Yami shrugged, "thought I'd give it a try," he mumbled into the pillow.

"Yeah, and how do you feel now?" Joey asked, knowing what the answer would be.

"Like I was spat out of hell," he said bluntly. "Now go away and let me be miserable."

"Not happening," Joey said, "I'm gonna be the good buddy I am and help you clean up this apartment."

"You do that," Yami muttered.

Joey sighed, "Come on," and he dragged Yami off of the bed, as the other tried to grab the bed post to stop him, but he was already too far away, and he landed on the floor with a thud. He glared up at Joey.

"Come on man," Joey said, "You can't just mope around in your bed all day, that's no good for you."

Yami was about to throw back a retort when his pocket started vibrating. He pulled his phone out and looked at the screen.

'Incoming call from: Bri <3'

He stared at the phone, unsure of what to do, as his chest tightened.

"What? Who is it?" Joey asked, seeing Yami's reaction.

"It's her," he said, staring at the phone.

"Here," Joey said, taking the phone from him. He answered it, "Yami's phone, what do you want?"

The voice on the other end didn't sound like she was distraught at all, "Is he there? I just want to talk to him."

"Yeah, well he doesn't want to talk to you," Joey said bluntly.

"Says you, let him speak for himself," she retorted.

"Look, you broke his fucking heart, now leave him alone," Joey said.

"Fine," she spat, "Can I have my scarf back then?"

"Heh?" Joey looked at Yami, "What scarf?" he asked him.

Yami growled, standing up and walking to his wardrobe, before pulling out a scarf that Joey had seen him wear quite a few times. Without taking another look at it, Yami threw it out the window. It had been a present that Briana had gotten him for his birthday. She had originally said she would have kept it for herself if she didn't have him in mind when buying it.

"Well," Joey said, talking into the phone again, "He just threw it out the window, so good luck finding it."

Bri made a frustrated noise on the other end, "Fine, want to play it that way? I've been with Austin for over a month," and she hung up.