Trials of Love

A Whole Lot of Laughs But A Ton of Boom.

Picking up the newspaper I saw the headline Racial Tensions on the Rise? Another business burned down by another white hate group? Shaking my head I tucked the paper under my arm and walked to the front door, pulling the keys out from my pocket I heard someone clearing their throat. Turning around I saw it was a boy from my school, "Hey Jorell, what you up too?" I put the paper under my other arm and started to find the correct key for the door. "Nothing much just got out of school, but you know that because you were just there sorry.” Jorell rubbed the back of his neck and shifted his weight to his other leg. "Hey its fine, being in school so long makes me forget the easiest things so what are you here for?" I let a small smile appear on my face hoping that would calm him down a little so he could speak. Jorrell moved closer and lowered his voice, "Well there are rumors going around about you and I wanted you to know so you tell everybody they aren't true." I shook my head and make a huff, "I told Brittany not to tell everybody about our make out session in the bathroom but I guess she can't hold water." making a pretend angry face I looked up at Jorell and saw how he was holding his breath and his eyes started to get wide. Just wow boys are so easy to trick can't believe he's falling for it., I kept myself back from laughing from his stupidity "Well I guess everybody knows now well thanks for the heads up. I 'm going to have a talk to Brittany about this, and she said she could keep a secret I guess she can't and she wanted to go all the way well guess what it's not happening now.", as I was talking I walked to the door and opened it. Turning around I saw the painful look on Jorell face and saw how he was tighten his jaw, I closed the door and locked it and started to laugh hard. "Oh my goodness, boys are so easy to believe anything.", walking into the kitchen I set the paper down on the counter and took deep breaths to stop laughing "There isn't even a girl with that name that goes to our school, man he's slow.", shaking my head I looked over at the clock I had an hour to get to work. Running up stairs I ran to my room and grabbed a shirt and pants and quickly got dress, grabbing my ID plus keys I ran back down stairs unlocking the door quickly. I ran out and locked the door again and quickly down the street I ran, "I so have to get a car or something geez this is tiring." seeing the library getting closer I stopped running and started to speed walk. Please don't let me sweat!, As I made it to the steps I forced myself up each step trying not to stop cause if I do I am not getting up for a hour. "Come on Kea you can do it, there are snacks inside wanting for you", smiling I look up and saw Mrs. H standing there trying to coach me up the stairs.(Mrs. Henderson or Mrs. H for short is the coolest adult I ever met in my life plus she's the head librarian which is a plus cause free snacks, everybody loves her well everybody except the white hate groups cause she and her family are white but I don't mind one bite cause she's like a mother to me. "You know Mrs. H you know you could always carry me up the stairs instead of trying to bribe me with snacks." Mrs. H just shrugged and smiled, "Or you could just climb those steps and get these free snacks before they are gone." that got my attention and I climbed thoses steps in record time well for me at least. “So where are these so called snacks you talked about a few seconds again?” Mrs. H started to laugh and opened the door, "Come one Kea go log your time in and I'll bring the snacks out." nodding I went inside and went behind the head desk logging in put my time and logged back out. Standing up I fixed my clothes and put my ID on my shirt, walking back around the desk I looked around to see if anybody was here seeing as we were the only ones here I let out a sigh of relief. “Is it old age or do you need help with the snacks, I bet your eating them all you know sharing is caring.", walking toward the break room I saw Mr. H next to the door. "So when did you get here or did she have you in the break room getting the goods?", Mr. H started to laugh and held up a cookie, my eyes got big and I started to reach for it then he quickly put it in his mouth and ate it. My mouth was wide open like a fish and I was him eat and shallow the cookie, "She told me not to share sorry." he let a laugh and I started to pout, "You know she would have never known you big old cookie monster." I started to go into the break room when he pulled me back looking up at him confused he laughed again, “Let me guess I can’t go in until she says so?" he nodded his head and put his hand on my shoulder " So young lady how was school, anything new I should know about.", Mr. H could handle this joke, "Yep everybody thinks I'm into girls." he looked at me with a raised eyebrow and nodded he head. "Well then I was hoping for grandchildren someday but I'm sure our son can live with adopting." I made a made a face and he started laughing again, "Whatever you say Mr.H but your son and I aren't very into each other plus I don't think he can handle my jokes like my fake girlfriend can." he stopped laughing and made a weird face then opened his mouth till someone cut him off. "Hey I have you know I and handle anything you dish out and for your information we are very much into each other, I hopped you haven't forgotten what happened last Christmas maybe you need a refresher." a deep voice came through the door and I could feel the eyes of Mr. H and Mrs. H even though she was behind the door, eyes on me. "It's not what you think Mr. H see what happen was..." suddenly there the front doors were broken down and there stood men with guns pointing straight at us but what shocked me the most was the man standing in the front was my father and his gun was pointed directly at me.
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Thanks I think I fixed all gammer problems, sorry for the terrible spelling.