Without You, There Is No Me


My mother leaves the house.
Her heels click down the walkway.
The car door opens.
Then, it slams.
She peels off down the driveway.

This is how I would describe my mother.
She's a socialite wanna-be.
She wants everything to be perfect and pure.
Perfectly clean house.
Everything must coordinate with the rest.
Perfect family.
Sweet, obedient, popular daughter.
Well-to-do, perfect husband.

This is what happens when you demand perfection.
My father got tired of her high expectations.
Of her controlling personality.
Of her obsessive desire for acceptance in our community.
She wanted everything,
And she wanted it her way.
Anything less, she would rant and rave for hours, even days.

So, tonight, it all came to an end.
My father got fed up.
He told her what he thought.
She got angry and stormed off.
He just went back to the den.
He plans to leave.
He's told me what he wants.
Honestly, I can't blame him.

Nothing is perfect.
When someone demands everything to be,
Problems arise.
Shit just happens.