Status: this is my first hope you guys enjoy it. let me know what you think good or bad whatever you can also give ideas enjoy.!

Fallen and Broken

Take Me Home

Max sat curled on the couch watching the TV, though she wasn't really paying attention to what was on. She kept tapping her index finger on her leg, becoming inpatient.

What now?

She had no idea where to start but something told her that she could trust Castiel. A sound of wings fluttered making her look up to where Castiel stood.

"Did you bring me anything to eat?"
"Uh no, I didn't know I was supposed to bring you food."
"I'm only joking. I bet Dean and Sam are worried about me?"
"Yes but I told them you were safe and not to worry. Your brothers can be very stubborn."
"Yeah tell me about it. So what now?"
"I am going to train you. The more you go through this process the better you will become accustom to it and eventually you will learn how to control it."
"Is there any chance I can see Dean and Sam soon?"
"Yes you three will need to talk."
"Whenever you'd like."

The next hour Castiel researched on a couple books that he had borrowed, well stole from Bobby.

"A werewolf, also known as a lycanthrope (from the Greek λυκάνθρωπος: λύκος, lykos, "wolf", and ἄνθρωπος, anthrōpos, "man"), is a mythological or folkloric human with the ability to shape shift into a wolf or a therianthropic hybrid wolf-like creature, either purposely or after being placed under a curse or affliction (e.g. via a bite or scratch from another werewolf). Early sources for belief in lycanthropy are Petronius and Gervase of Tilbury." Max read from her computer.

"You don't suppose I was put under a curse do you?"
"No you were born with it. You come from wolves that already had the ability to turn human when they needed."
"What else do you know about me or my family or my past for that matter?"
"I know that your biological mother fought for you, your whole entire family did. They all were killed by a pack if Omega wolves."
"Why? I thought Omegas were the bottom of the pack."
"Yes it's what they fought over and because your father had chosen you to become the next leader of the pack the Omegas became even more upset. Then a war started between the two, finally everyone of the Alphas and Omega's were dead, except you and your mother, River. She was severely injured and lost in the woods. She came across a den and placed you there. She left to hunt food. When this was all happening John was in the woods as well, he had killed a demon, though he was in the deep part of the woods and he was lost. He heard you crying in the distance and found you in the den. Then your mother came back and saw John. She knew exactly who he was. He turned and saw your mother, she explained to him that he needed to take care of you because she was sure that she was going to die and you needed something better and not be alone." He paused.

Max ran a hand threw her hair trying to make sense of what Castiel was saying.

"She gave you a necklace, it was meant for two reasons, one was so that you had something to remember her by and two was it was to keep you in your human form. When you had it on no one could tell what you were."

Max thought back, a necklace?

"What did this necklace look like?"
"It was a small light emerald orb that hung from a black string."

When Cas had described it she remembered what necklace he was talking about. She quickly got up and ran upstairs. Castiel sat confused for a moment. She then came back running down the stairs.

"Is this the one you were talking about?"
"Yes that is the one, you're supposed to wear it at all times. Even though Bobby had put a spell over you preventing you from changing. That spell is wearing off and since you don't have that on it explains why you are experiencing these things."

Max sat back down and unhooked the chains and placed it around her neck. She felt a bit less tired and more focused than before once she had put it on.

"But you still will be changing the next full moon. It's something that has to happen."

She sighed as she rolled the small orb in between her thumb and index finger.

"I think I want to talk with Sam and Dean now." Max requested.

Castiel nodded and walked up to Max and placed two fingers on her forehead. In an instant Castiel was gone and the setting around her had changed. She was just outside of Bobby's place. She walked up the stairs of the porch and saw Riley sleeping soundly. Max tried not to wake him as she made her way to the door and inside the house. Once Max had stepped in the house she heard the muffled voices of Dean and Sam. She stepped into the library to find them, Dean pacing back and forth and Sam leaning against the doorway of the kitchen. Both of them stopped and looked up at Max. She wasn't sure whether to feel comfort, anger, or relief.

"Where the hell were you!?" Dean yelled.
"I-" Sam had cut her off by squeezing her tightly almost unable for Max to breathe, finally he let go Max. "I'll tell you that after you tell me something." She said walking in the middle of the room.

Max thought about how exactly to start out.

"What am I?"
"Max,what are you talking about?"

They knew exactly what she was talking about but they hoped to play it out.

"What am I? Really?" Max looked up at them.

Dean sighed and leaned against the desk pilled with Bobby's books.

"What are you talking about?"
"Don't. Save me the act and just tell me the truth."

Max already knew what she was, she just wanted to test the boys with her trust and honesty.

"Fine. I guess there's no better way of putting this but you're a werewolf." Dean confirmed.

Max didn't know what to expect. She wanted the truth and she got it, but why she surprised and a bit heartbroken?

Max slumped down in couch, letting her head recline back on it, just starring up at the dusty old ceiling.

"Why didn't any of you just tell me in the first place?"
"We thought it would be best for you not to know. Dad thought it was best for you." Sam said.

Max looked at Sam and let out a laugh.

"Dad? He was the one who lied to not only to me but to all of us. I don't see why the man could never except the fact that Sam just wanted a normal life and for that Sam was yelled at. And you Dean, no matter how much effort you put in he would always find some flaw and pick at it."Max said raising her voice.

"Yeah he may not have been your biological father but he still loved you ." Dean said.
"Yeah, well he had a hell of a way of showing it." Max shot back.

With that Max got up and stormed out the library. As she was about to open the back door of the kitchen she was stopped by Sam. He placed his hand on the door and leaned against it.

"You may be 6 foot something but it sure as hell won't stop me, so move." Max said.
"I'm not going to let you leave."
"It wasn't a question. I just need a moment. Now if you please excu-" Max went to push Sam out of the way but the minute she touched him visions flashed before her eyes.

Those visions weren't her's, they were-Sam's?

Max quickly removed her hand from Sam like she had been burned by his skin. He saw the look of terror that washed over Max's face.

"Uh-nothing you just shocked me really bad. Now, don't make me say it a second time." Max warned.

Sam sighed and moved away from the door, letting Max walk out accidentally slamming the door behind her.

"You think she's coming back?" Sam asked Dean.
"Oh she's coming back."Dean said opening the fridge.

Max walked alongside the path in the woods that lead to her usual place,a small creek. She sat on a rock at the edge with her knees hugged against her chest, listening to the water trickle over the rocks.

"Maybe it was best for me not to know what I really was, imagine the stress, the bigger problems that would've occurred." Max thought. For a while she sat there staring at the creek but there were seconds that her mind went back to the scenes she had seen when she touched Sam. As far she could make out, they were mostly of a woman, she had black hair, she was about Max's height though she came off as dangerous.

Max shook off the feeling and walked back to the house. When she walked in, Dean was on the computer watching what sounded like anime-porn, Max raised an eyebrow at Dean. He poured Max a glass of scotch, handing it out to Max with eyes still on the screen.

"Not until you turn that off." Max said.

Dean closed the laptop and Max opposite of Dean,taking the glass in her hands.

"I have to leave you know?" She said not wanting to look up at Dean .Sam walked in and sat down on the same side as Dean.

"Why?"Sam asked.
"Because I'm going to be turning soon."
"You mean like 'hulk out'?" Dean questioned.
Max shot a glare at him.

"I thought you were under some spell?" Sam asked.
"I was but it's wearing off and either way I'm still going to change."
"Well can't you do that here down in the panic room?"

It might be a good place Max didn't really have a place to change besides the wine cellar in her basement.

"I don't know,I just don't want to hurt you. Maybe when I more used to it I'll use the panic room." Max drank from the glass.

"How did you find out anyways?" Sam asked.
"A little bird told me. Plus it was becoming more and more obvious. The ringing in my ears, my nightmares, my control over things." Max listed.

"What about when we're on the road and you have to turn?" Dean continued to asked.

Max hadn't thought about that.

"I don't know but eventually I'll get use to it."
"And how long is eventually?"

Max shrugged her shoulders.

They were left in silence not knowing what else to say, what was there to say really? Dean got up assuming he was upset by the way he got up, leaving Sam and Max alone. She rolled her eyes and let out a helpless sigh.

"So when are you leaving?" Sam asked.
"Well I have to start as soon as possible."

She looked out the window to see the sun disappearing and sighed one more time.

"I probably need to go talk to Dean before I go."

Max said getting up and walking out to find Dean. She walked out to find him sitting on the Impala starring at the sky.

"Mind if I join you?"

Max hopped up top of the hood.

"You know I really miss seeing this many stars, back in California there were barley any that can be seen. Here it's just comforting I guess."
"What's California like?"

Max huffed out a laugh.

"It's relaxing. It's peaceful, well at least in the area where I live. It's nice to fall asleep to the sounds of the beach, knowing that your safe. It's my safe haven. When Sam came to find me he broke into my house.I was coming home and I found him on the floor being tackled by Riley."Max smiled remembering.

Dean laughed.

"Why would he break in?"
"He said if he had knocked I would just closed the door on him. And he was right, I had been ignoring his calls for months and finally he broke into my house and told me about what had happened to you." Max voice soften. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring that up."

Max felt guilt in her stomach.

"You didn't mean too."Dean reassured her.
"I'm leaving soon." Max spoke looking straight ahead.

From the corner of her eye she could see him turning his attention to her. Max slowly turned her head seeing the expression on his face,an upset and slightly angry expression.

"Oh don't give me that look. It's not by choice Dean, I have to be prepared for anything, like always." "I-I know Max, I just wish you didn't have to be put through all of this. I mean dad could've easily not taken you in and none of this would exits-"
"Are you kidding me? You and Sam are all I have. If it wasn't for John, my life would've been harder. I wouldn't have you or Sam to help me. Blood or not, Dean, both of you are my brothers, you've always been."

Max felt a bit of tears welling up and so did Dean.

"You sure do know how to make a man cry." Dean joked as he rubbed his eyes.
"What can I say, I'm a pro." Max said getting off the hood of the Impala.

Just as Dean hopped off as well, a familiar sound of wings fluttered and Castiel appeared before them both. Max knew it was time for her to leave. Sam came down the stairs of the patio just in time.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but Maxwell we need to go." Castiel's stern voice spoke.
"Well, I guess this is it, that is until next time which will be soon, promise."

Before she could even pull in for a hug, Dean had already wrapped his arms around her and squeezed tightly. When he let go Sam did the same, though she barley thought of tightness, instead she took in her last sent of the boys. As Max was about to turn around she stopped and looked back at Sam.

"Oh and Sammy,"She said."Take care of my Babe for me."

Max said reaching into her pocket for her keys of the Ford Mustang and tossed them to Sam. "

But if I find anything out of place, it's going to pay back on you. And I'm taking Riley with me so he doesn't cause any problems." Max said rushing over to Riley to unleashed him and walked back over to Castiel. Max took one last look at the faces she wouldn't see for while and with a touch,

they were gone.