

His feet hurt as he walked across the lake’s rocky shore. He just ignored it. Same with the coming evening’s soft chill. This wasn't the first time he’d been here before, and he had grown used to the feelings by now. The water was his escape, his safe place. He’d been coming there for the past few years whenever he felt threatened or scared, ever since he found this secluded spot, and wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon, no matter how cold it got.

He made his way up a little nature-carved cliff, a spot where a landslide broke loose several years ago. The land that remained was strong, though, and he would use it as a diving point. With a running start, he jumped in screaming. A little water flowed into his open mouth as he went under. After sinking for a second, he propelled himself to the surface. He spit and coughed out the dirty lake water. After he found he was okay again, he started floating on his back, letting the current cradle him. His breath soon fell into rhythm with it, and he felt at home.
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