The Family Business

John Winchester

I sat in panic. I had tried every cell phone my mother has, all of them ringing and then going to her voicemail. Any normal person would've thought she couldn't come to the phone, or that it had just died. But we weren't normal people, far from it. And her not answering her phone meant a distress signal for help. It was at a time like this where she'd tell me to call a man, my father, for help. A man named John Winchester.
I dug through the drawer in her room for the number she had told me to call if she didn't return after the job was done. My mother had been gone almost six days, telling me she would be home in at least four. She was a professional at what she did, one of the best in the business, and she had trained me right alongside her. This wasn't the lifestyle she wanted for me, but she wanted me to know what she knew in case of emergency. And this, I knew, was one.
I dialed the number quickly on my cell phone, hearing the annoying consistancy of the ringing loudly in my ear. I bounced back from foot to foot impatiently, waiting for a response.
"Hello?" A deep, raspy man's voice answered, sounding like he had either just woken up or was fairly annoyed.
"I, um, is this John Winchester?" I asked, biting my lip in nervousness.
The man went quiet, but I could still hear his heavy breathing. "Um, no. This isn't. But this is his son, Dean. Why?"
My heart stopped. Son? He had a son? Scratch that, I had a brother? "I, um. Sorry, I just need John."
"John died years ago..." He stated, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, a hint of pain tracing his words. "Who is this?"
Tears whelled up in my eyes. This was ridiculous, I had met the man only a few times, and he didn't even know I was his daughter. Now I was learning I had a brother. "I-my name is Austen. I'm the daughter of another hunter he used to be friends with, Lana Taylor."
"Lana Taylor, yeah, I've heard of her. She's a good hunter. But what did you call for, exactly?" He asked, trying to get me to get to the point.
"She told me to call this number if anything happened, or if she didn't come back home in time. She won't answer my calls on any of her phones, and she hasn't been home in almost a week." I stammered over my words, worried. "I don't know what to do. She told me to call this number, and she would be pissed off if I went looking for her myself."
I heard him sigh, his gruffness coming out once more. I could've sworn I heard him talking to another man, bits and pieces coming through.
"We can't just leave her-"
"-another hunt-"
"Don't be an ass-
"Don't be a bitch."
"Fine." He sighed once more, talking to me again. "Where are you, exactly?"
"Deadwood, South Dakota. 236 Pine." I stated, chewing on the inside of my cheek.
"Alright. We should be able to make it there by around morning tomorrow. Are you okay staying by yourself?" He asked, a hint of sincerity tracing his voice, but gone just as quickly.
"Yeah, yeah. I've been by myself all week."
"Okay. We'll be there tomorrow." He told me, hanging up directly after.
In a five minute phone conversation, I learned that my biological father had died, and I had a brother who I was meeting tomorrow.
A brother who didn't know he was my brother.
As far as he knew, I was just the daughter of a hunter who his dad was friends with that went missing. He would be here tomorrow, help me figure out what was going on, and then be on his way again. But he wouldn't be alone when he came, and that made me nervous. Who was the other man on the phone? And why was he coming, too?
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I know this chapter is short, but bear with me please.~