Under The Wings of An Angel

Tragedy & Appreciation

'Prayer...the last hope of a desperate man.' Dean Winchester thought to himself, scoffing and shaking his head. Dean wasn't weak, and he definitely wasn't the praying type, so what was he doing outside, eyes to the sky and tears in his eyes?
He was praying for his little brother. Sammy had taken on the trials for himself, much to Dean's demise. He knew he could've done it himself, he knew he shouldn't have let Sammy. But when the younger Winchester had his mind set on something, there was no way of stopping it, so the most Dean knew he could do was be there for him through it the entire way. Cas was no where to be found, and wouldn't answer his prayers, so this was all he could do not to lose his mind. Bobby wasn't there to help him clear his head, and there was no way in hell he could call Benny. He knew his little brother was suffering, and there was nothing he could do but watch.
So with a quivering voice, and the saltiness of his tears inhabiting his taste buds, he took a deep breath. "Look, I don't even know if you're listening, or if you care...or if you even exist. But hell, I gotta believe in something, right?" His throat hurt as he swallowed back the tears. "But if you have a heart, or even the slightest bit of remorse, please...please, watch out for Sammy."
Dean looked down, wiping the tears from his face and trying to gather his thoughts as he began to ramble incoherently. He looked up, baffled, as he heard the flutter of wings behind him. He couldn't believe what he saw. After weeks, almost a month of constant praying to his best friend, there he stood looking at him with sympathy in that stupid trenchcoat.
"Cas?" He shook his head, wiping the blurring tears from his vision, thinking it was some kind of stress-induced hallucination.
"Hello Dean." Castiel greeted as he edged closer to the hunter, looking at him with shame.
Dean looked at him with a moment of weakness that soon turned to anger. "Where the hell have you been? I've prayed to you almost every damn night!"
"Yes, I know." Castiel slightly nodded, looking up at the taller man but not quite meeting his eyes. "I've heard every prayer."
Dean clenched his jaw, shaking his head. "And you just ignored it? Cas, Sam's practically dying!"
"I am sorry, Dean, but if you don't remember, I have been hiding a tablet of the Lord. One that could kill me." Castiel bit back, losing his edge as soon as he had got it. "You were praying to my father."
Dean looked down, almost in shame as he nodded. "Yeah, well."
Castiel layed a gentle hand on the hunter's shoulder, making him face him. "Faith is good, Dean. Very good."
Dean met the celestial's eyes, only for a moment. "I haven't had much to believe in."
The angel looked up at the hunter, cocking his head ever so slightly. Something Dean couldn't quite read flashed in his friend's eyes. "You could always believe in me, Dean. It's a shame you don't believe so yourself."
Dean sighed, shaking his head and looking down. "Cas, I know I can. You've done everything for me, for us...I've just been stressed." He looked up, meeting Castiel's blue eyes. "I'm losing my mind, here. I don't know what the hell to do, man."
"You know I try to do everything I can for you, Dean." The angel responded, a hint of emotion tracing his words.
The hunter nodded. "I know, Cas."
With that, the angel lunged forward and planted his lips on the hunter's, taking him by surprise. Castiel dipped his tongue ever so slightly into the other man's mouth, feeling him kiss back for only a moment.
Dean stepped back quickly, covering his mouth and looking at his best friend. What had he done? Scratch that-why would he have done that? "Cas, what the hell was that?"
The angel cocked his head in confusion, narrowing his eyes. "Isn't that how humans portray their appreciation for each other?"
Was Cas playing stupid? Or was he generally this naive? Dean could believe the naivety, but it never failed to render him speechless. He eyed the celestial over for a minute, weary about what he should say or do. He would rather have a meteor strike directly where he was standing rather than face the awkward silence.
Or face the fact that he had liked it.
Why had he kissed back? He was straight, he loved women just as much as the next straight man. But there had always been something about Cas that baffled him. His grin when he was doing his best to make a joke, his adorable confusion when he didn't understand a reference Dean had made. Just the way he made the hunter feel when he was around, like he actually deserved to be appreciated.
Like he actually deserved to be saved.
With that, he stepped forward and gently placed his lips on the angel's again, kissing him passionately. Castiel was taken back for the first few moments, but began to get into the rhythm Dean had started. The hunter placed his hand under the tan trenchcoat and on the angel's side, deepening the kiss as he pulled him closer. Cas kept his arms to his side lazily as he kissed back, making Dean smile at his childlike inability to comprehend what to do with his hands.
Gently pulling back, the hunter realized just how long he had wanted to do that. He looked over the angel slowly, waiting for him to say absolutely anything.
"Thank you, Dean." Castiel finally spoke, making Dean chuckle and shake his head at the angel's awkwardness.
"No problem, Cas." Dean responded after seeing the angel's serious facial expression, playing along to humor him.
When Dean finally looked back up after he felt himself stop blushing, the angel was gone. But this time, he didn't mind. He had enjoyed himself for the first time in what seemed like years. Deciding his brother, nor anyone else, would hear about this, he went back into their motel room to a sleeping Sammy and grinned to himself. He wouldn't feel guilty about keeping this to himself, only he and his angel needed to know.
Besides, they were just expressing their appreciation for each other, right?