Status: Updated when I can!

Believe You Me

Oh, sweet perfection, won’t you hear my one confession?

"How did you know?" I managed to ask Vic after I recovered from the shock.

"I don't. Well, not fully anyways. Mike came to the hospital the night before my surgery just going on and on about how he fucked things up with you. He wouldn't tell me what he did though. So. What did he do that was so bad that he fucked everything up?" I could feel Vic's gaze on me, but I didn't want to take my eyes off the road and look back at him.

I sighed deeply, not wanting to say it out loud. I didn't want to tell anyone because I was afraid it would eventually make its way back to Jaime. Vic was going to find out one way or another though, whether it was from me or from Mike.

"You won't say anything to Jaime, will you?" I asked, chewing at my lip.

"Of course not, Eve. You know your secrets are always safe with me." He said, his voice soft and genuine. I bit down on my lip again and gripped the steering wheel tightly.

"I didn't have a chance to tell him about me and Jaime officially being together. There just wasn't that perfect moment, you know?" I took a deep breath before continuing. "He walked in on me and Jaime making out pretty heavily. It pissed him off, and man I mean it really pissed him off. I went to talk to him afterwards about it, and we were just sitting there on his bed and...... and he kissed me. Just straight up kissed me! And then he tells me he has feelings for me!" Tears started forming in my eyes and it was starting to get difficult to breathe.

"Evelyn, take a deep breathe, it's going to be okay. Pull over at this next stop up here." I pulled off the highway and into the rest stop. After I put the car in park, I broke out into heavy sobs.

"Oh God, Vic... What am I even doing? First Austin, then Jaime, and now this whole thing with Mike? I'm fucked up, Vic. I'm so fucked up." I choked on a sob and let it all out, every feeling I'd been holding in.

"Evie, will you please listen to me?" Vic begged, pleading at me with his eyes. "You're not fucked up. You're not the one being released after nearly killing yourself. You've been put in a tough situation and you don't know how to handle it, and nobody is blaming you." He reached a frail hand out and wiped away a few of my tears.

"What if Mike is right though?" I whispered hoarsely. "Jaime isn't good with relationships, we all know that. What if I'm just destined to become another notch in the bedpost?" I tried to get myself together, but the tears wouldn't stop coming.

"Evelyn, why would you say that? You know how much you mean to him. He loves you a lot." Vic let his hand drop from my face to my hands grabbed them softly. "You've been living together for years. Don't you think that if you were just another notch in the bedpost that it would've happened ages ago? He's been your best friend for years, he wouldn't throw all of that away just to get you in bed." He gave one of my hands a soft squeeze. "Maybe it's time you stopped doubting Jaime and had a little bit more faith in him and yourself."

"I'm just scared, Vic. If this..." My voice cracked and it took me a second to start my sentence back up. "If this doesn't work out, then what happens to me and Jaime? What happens to our friendship? Without him... Without him I have no reason to even be in San Diego anymore." I choked on the last bit of my words and choked out another sob.

"Stop it, Evelyn. That's enough." Vic said sternly. His voice was so demanding that I stopped crying immediately looked at him, my eyes wide. "If you honestly think that Jaime is the only thing that's here for you in San Diego, then you must be blind." His eyes softened as he continued to speak. "What about your jewelry business, and the name that you've made for yourself through that? What about the friends that you've made through that? What about the other guys? What about me, damnit! You've got so much more than you think you do, Eve. Open your eyes, please. I'm begging you." Tears slowly started to fall down his face and he pulled his hand from mine, quickly wiping them away before slipping his hand back into mine. "If you and Jaime don't work out, it's not going to be the end of the world because you have so many people that care about you. You really do."

I suppressed a sob, trying to hold in all of my tears. "I'm sorry, Vic, I'm so sorry." I threw my arms around him the best I could and sat with him in an awkward embrace. "I know I have you guys, believe me, I know. I love you, Vic, I'm so sorry."

He began to stroke my hair softly, running his fingers through small strands. "Don't apologize, darling, you've got nothing to be sorry for. Sometimes it's hard for us to see what is right in front of us. And don't you worry your little heart about Mike either, he'll get over this soon enough."

"I have to tell Jaime though, don't I? I sniffled, moving so that my head was on Vic's shoulder.

"You and I both know the answer to that question." He kissed me softly on the top of my head and we sat in silence for a few minutes. "Evelyn..." Vic said finally. "I never thanked you."

I sat up and gave him a puzzling look. "Thanked me? For what?"

"For saving my life." He said quietly. "Trying to kill myself was a selfish thing for me to do..." He trailed off, but I didn't interrupt. It was a few moments before he spoke back up. "I didn't even think about what it would put my family through, or you guys, or the fans... Oh God, the fans." He looked over at me with the most pained expression worn in his eyes. "What am I going to tell them, Eve? I'm constantly trying to tell them their lives are worth living and there I was, ready to take my own. I'm a hypocrite, I'm the biggest dick in the world, I'm-"

"Just like them." I interrupted him. He looked at me, completely baffled at what I was trying to say. "Vic, if anything this experience should bring you closer to your fans. Now you know where a lot of them have been, now you know how they've felt, how lost and hopeless they felt. Now, if you decide to tell them, they can look up to you and think 'Wow, if Vic can do it, then I can do it too.' Good things can come out of this bad situation Vic. You just have to be open and honest." He looked at me, tears falling down his cheeks slowly and silently.

"Thank you, Evelyn." he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you so much." I kissed him on the cheek and wiped away the last of his tears.

"It's what I'm here for, Vic." I let a few moments of silence pass before I spoke again. "Well, now that we've both had a tear fest, why don't we actually go home?"

Vic nodded his head and gave me a small smile. "That sounds fantastic." We both buckled back up and I pulled out of the rest stop and hopped back on the high way. My phone pinged and I read the text message from Jaime quickly.

From: Hi-Me
Get home soon, I miss you already.

I smiled at the message and typed in a message quickly, being careful not to take my eyes off the road for too long.

To: Hi-Me
I'll be there before you know it. I love you.
♠ ♠ ♠
I guess the schedule didn't work out so well haha oh well, here's the next chapter, enjoy it while you can!

Title Credit: Sweet Perfection- Never Shout Never