Status: um work in progress, please be patient with things :)

The First Besitos

The First Punch.

Basically moving from high school to high school is shit, always will be, no matter how many times it happens or how much practice you get. But moving houses on the other hand, I fucking love moving houses ok, the excitement of putting every room together all over again like painting on a blank canvas, the lame arguments over each and every room (none of which I am ever involved in because clearly I get first choice) and the best of all sitting on the floor of the unfurnished loungeroom eating pizza with my favourite boys to ever exist.
Ah yes, now I bet you're thinking something along the lines of "oh my lordy, a 16 year old girl living with a pack of savage boys how raunchy and promiscuous, I dare say they most likely make porn for a living" but no, you are far from the truth... We make porn on the side, purely recreational purposes.
Ok no, that was a joke, I swear, 90% of them are gay, the rest are brother material only, they saw me during my awkward puberty days, no more than friends and I am clearly not the porn type.
These guys have been the only family to ever stay in my life for as long as I can possibly remember and Matt that brunette with the extremely fit body that everyone adores? Yeah, I've known him literally since birth. We might as well be the same bloody person, born on the same day, at the same time (down to the millisecond), in the same hospital, placed in the same hospital room, lived next door to eachother, our mothers had psychotic break downs on the same day and then finally got placed in the same orphanage for years on end. So I guess you could say we're pretty close, and the rest of those boys? We met them along the way, piece by piece slowly building the family we'd all always dreamt of but never had the chance to fully experience, some never even got a glimpse.
So here we are enjoying one of the things that definitely makes me more content than anything else possibly could, eating pizza on the floor of a new house, no tv, no couch, music humming softly in the background a slight buzz of laughter and energy as the boys get ready for their bloodbath to get the best rooms. And with with I leave for my nightly walks with Lucker my beauty of and English Wolfhound x Husky.
My god, if I thought this area was pretty with the sun beating down upon numerous shades of vibrant greens ten it's fucking beautiful at night. As I stare at the sky through the slight layer of crowds I feel as though I want to cry because the stars and the moon look so beautiful as they dance to a beat that only they can hear, only they can feel and while I cannot hear or feel this beat I can see it just as well and it sings pure beauty to me.
But, as I soon find out, staring at the sky while walking down a sidewalk at night will sure enough end with you being knocked flat on your ass by a very lovely looking stranger.
"Oh shit are you fucking sorry, um I am so ok" he partially shouts at me awkwardly fumbling his words to the point of actually yelling at me rather than apologising.
"Um, what? Oh lord."
"No no no, I meant, ugh"
"I'm fine calm down, it's ok, my fault anyway too busy staring into space" I giggle as I slowly take the hand offered out to help me off the ground.
I really was fine, that is until I melted into a heap when I slowly made out the features of his face, and my god if I even tried to act as though those weren't the most beautiful liquid chocolate eyes I had ever seen in my life, I would be have to be a pathological liar ok, and I feel as though I may have had this entire thought process written across my forehead in fluorescent thick red marker because his face lit up and in that moment I feel as though I may have lost control of every inch of my body and had I not still had a complete hold of his hand I probably would have ended up back on my ass in that moment.
"TONY!" and i was instantly pulled from this moment but a voice yelling what I assumed to be his name from across the road and, as any other individual would, I immediately turn only to see a small Mexican laughing at our probably somewhat shocked faces, with two other Mexicans trying to hide their amusement by using their hands to partially muffle their riotous laughter.
Great... I'm in this place barely a day and I have a Mexican gang laughing at my awkward encounter with this gorgeous specimen.
"Well, um, yeah, that's my name and my ride so I kind of have to leave now" he partially whispers while turning back to look at my probably somewhat red face.
"I am Delilah" I say looking down at our hands that haven't unlatched since he helped me off the ground "ah yes and I'm assuming that you need this back," I joke as I slowly release his hand and look back up "don't think keeping a body part on the first meeting is 'socially acceptable'" I say with a somewhat awkward giggle and to my an actual laugh, that is equally as stunning as his face, escapes this devil and he replies "probably not, maybe next time though" and winks, like actually winks, laughs and crosses the street to join the fiercely, not so, intimidating gang.
And with that over and done with I leave heading on my way home with Lucker dear to lead the way, this time solely focusing on the path ahead of me hoping to whatever could hear not to run into anymore devastatingly good looking boys.
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First piece of serious writing I guess so please do leave constructive criticism or whatever, but don't just bash it. :)