

No one really knows what it is like to have a life of freedom until it is all snatched away. Without notice, without warning, and most of all, without a choice.

Freedom is now something everyone now asks for, but will never get. Unless of course you are a 'lucky one' and your master falls in love with you and turns you.

Even then you don't always get freedom. You still have to listen to what your master tells you to do. Those who are turned aren't really acknowledged unless you were turned by one of the 'first ones' or a high ranked creature. Though it is very rare for that to happen.

Females are usually the ones that are most often bought because the male masters find them more appropriate for their needs. Males are usually bought only to do the heavy duty work. Their aren't many female masters since since now females are not considered equals like they used to be back in the 1800's.

After the year 3025, we stopped keeping track of the year, or at least is humans have. We are no longer educated and we only know the basics of life as well as what our maters want us to know. We don't have birthdays and we are no longer allowed to celebrate holidays like we used to. We have birth names though many of us do not know it. Many of us also have birth parents though we do not know them and if we do, we are never allowed to see them.

Humans have become scum to the eyes of the creatures we once thought mythical. We are no longer the great people we were considered to be and nothing will ever be the same.
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Just a new story I wanted to try out.