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New Dawn

Chapter 6.

Several Hours later Mira found herself on the 100th floor of the library with Vinor. This floor just had tables and chairs used for reading or studying, the books they were using had been collected from some of the previous floors.
“Okay, wait, let me make sure I have this right. Humans have interacted with aliens for millennia and we haven’t realized that yet?”
“Yes, humans are, mostly, quite obtuse. You refuse to see what’s right in front of you; however, there are some that see it, but they are always deemed the crazy ones.” Vinor had this extremely scholarly way of talking that sometimes made it hard for Mira to follow, and they had only been talking for about an hour and a half, this guy was way too smart, but she was also fascinated by the vast amounts of knowledge that he seemed to have on everything and everyone.
“Have you ever been to Earth?”
“Plenty of times, I find your history fascinating, well I find any history fascinating really, every species is so different from every other species, it’s a never ending circle that I will never get tired of.”
“How do you get around without people noticing…?” Mira trailed off looking pointedly at her teachers four legs.
“Wheelchairs and a little bit of magic, Earth is full of it, it’s just that no one has found out how to use it yet.” Mira found that she really liked Vinor, she had pegged him as the stuffy, strict, library guy, and while he did have that manner of speech, he was actually very funny and bantered easily with Mira.
“Alright, now I know that your days are busy, and we will be meeting daily, but I need you to read these books whenever you get the chance okay? You never know when some tiny, inconsequential seeming, piece of information could save your life, he said with a small smile and a wink.
“Have a good night Vinor, I’ll meet you here tomorrow.”
“You too Mira.” Mira walked out onto the library’s balcony, and waited for Grayson, when they were sparring in the meadow he had said that he would bring her back to her room after she had finished her lessons. Five minutes later she spotted him coming towards her from one of the bridges to her right, she gathered her things and went to go meet him.
They met halfway on the bridge and without saying a word he turned back with her towards the way he came.
“So, how’d the lessons go?”
“Really well, no one tried to beat me up, which was fantastic. Anriel told me about the history of her people and how they are born…” Mira animatedly told Grayson about the many wondrous things she had learned today and he couldn’t help but notice how her face lit up, just by reliving this new information. She transformed from this hard edged girl to a beautiful and happy woman who looked as if nothing could ruin her day. Grayson was also genuinely curious as well because Mira was his first Guardian and he was learning as well.
“…and Vinor’s really cool too, he seems all tough and strict at first, but he’s funny as well and he’s so passionate about his work, and this is so much better than I had ever envisioned college!”
“Seems like you’ve had a busy day!” Grayson chuckled, but he kept hearing Anriel in the back of his mind, telling him to keep his distance.
“It feels like today took ten years, and it feels like 100 years since I left home.” Mira’s smile slowly faded as she reflected on her life back home. They both stopped walking and Mira rested her arms on the railing looking out towards the quiet forest.
“What’s wrong?” Grayson asked quietly. Mira just shook her head and smiled at Grayson.
“Nothing, I was just thinking how it feels like forever ago that I came here, and it was only yesterday. It still feels kind of like a dream. Now come on, show me the way back, I’m so lost right now.” After a few bridge changes they arrived at Mira’s balcony. The only way she could tell was because the word ‘Guardian’ was carved into all three of the wood panels between the windows.
“That was quicker than I thought it would be!” Mira said quietly, and without even really thinking about, grabbed Grayson and pushed him towards the window. He looked so completely surprised as he fell through the window that Mira burst out laughing, and laughed until she was rolling around on the ground out of breath. While she was laughing Grayson came back out all ready to get his revenge until he saw Mira rolling on the ground. Grayson started to laugh as well just looking at her and hearing her obnoxious laugh, eventually he was doubled over as well. After a little over five minutes of laughter Mira was finally able to calm down enough to sit up. She looked at Grayson who was sitting next to her and just smiled.
“You’re laugh is very contagious.” Said Grayson smiling back.
“I think you mean obnoxious.”
“Well that too.” They both smiled.
“I’m sorry I pushed you, I don’t know what came over me, but I don’t think I have ever laughed that hard.”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s not like anyone got hurt.” He said pushing her slightly with his shoulder. Walking through the glass felt like walking through a small waterfall or being caressed by a light breeze. On the coffee table by the couches were two containers full of delicious looking and smelling food, mostly leafy but also what looked like a stew.
“I see you made yourself at home.” Mira said looking at Grayson. He blushed a little and just shrugged.
“Sorry, I didn’t even think about it I just…” Mira stopped him quickly by saying. “Don’t worry about it, I was just giving you a hard time, after all you did bring me food and I am starving.”
As they sat down to eat, both of them kept looking up at each other periodically until Grayson asked, “Why do you keep looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face?” He rubbed his face quickly, hoping that she would laugh again, but she didn’t, and he gave her a questioning looks.
“Sorry! No, there’s nothing on your face, I was just thinking…” She looked down while she said the next part, kind of embarrassed, “I’ve just never really had a friend before, and while I’ve only really known you for a day, you’re still the closest thing I’ve ever had.” Grayson was a little shocked, he could tell that she had a rough life back on Earth, but he didn’t think that she had gone her whole life without friends.
“Well… uh… Thank you? Or you’re welcome? I’m not really sure how to respond, but I’m glad we’re friends. I haven’t really had too many friends as of late either, not since I started training seriously. I forgot what it felt like I guess, it’s nice.” Mira just smiled and looked down at her food to hide her blush, she did like Grayson, and right now she did consider him a friend, but he was also a guy, and a guy who liked to hit things. The more she thought about it the more that she started kicking herself for not being a little more guarded with these strangers. For right now though, she decided, she was going to just let herself be friends with Grayson, and tomorrow she would be more careful with herself.