Love Only Family Can Give

Chapter One

Caeden's POV

I'm delaying getting dressed. Maybe if I don't get dressed fast enough, they won't wait and they'll just start the wedding without me. I hope so. I mean, my mom's getting married to a man that I've never even met. Who wants that to happen? And to add insult to injury, I'm going to be getting a new step brother. Having my little sister Bree is bad enough. Now I have to move into his giant mansion house because there's no way in hell that the five of us could live in the 2 bedroom apartment me, my mom and Bree live in. I don't want to move. Now I have to take down all my band posters and my posters of shirtless band members. Those boys... Mmm. I shake my head. I have to do this for my mom. If he makes her happy, I'll deal with it. It's been so long since dad was around and she was happy. So, I'll suck it up, grow some balls, and do this for the woman that brought me into this world.

I grab my shit off of the chair in my bedroom and walk out to the living room. "Manson, we'll be back in a few hours. Don't eat the furniture please. Thanks." I laugh as I walk to the door of the apartment and I open it, walking out into the hallway. Before I leave the building, I lock the door and put my keys in my pocket. I walk out to my car. I paid for it with my own money. It's a beautiful black 1967 Chevrolet Impala, 327, 4-barrel, V-8 engine, automatic, 4-dr, Hardtop. Like Dean from Supernatural. It's my favorite show, and I just loved the car he drives, so I found one, and saved up the money to buy it.

I get in and start the car. I pull out of the parking lot, heading in the direction of the address that my mom gave me for where the wedding was being held. when I get there, I pull into the empty parking space closest to the door and I stop the car, getting out and grabbing my stuff out of the back seat. I run inside and go inside to find my mom. I walk into the room that she's changing in and cover my eyes before I walk in. I don't want to risk the chance of seeing boobs. Ew. Especially when they're my moms'.

"Cay. Sweetie. I'm dressed. You don't have to cover your eyes." I hear my mom say in her soothing voice. I move my hand away from my face and sit down on the closest chair. "So, sweetie, are you ready to meet your new step father soon? And your new step brother? I hope you like them. Because, I think he's the one. And, darling, I'm... Pregnant."

At this, my head snapped up. "What? Did you just say what I think you just said? Mom! I haven't even met him and you're already having his baby?! What the fuck?!" I start getting angry, and my anger issues start to get worse. I have to leave before I do something stupid. Before she can reply to my question, I run out the door and to my car, leaning my elbows on the car and putting my head in my hands.

I don't know how long I've been outside, but it's dark now. I'm surprised that someone hasn't come looking for me after my outburst. Just as I think this, someone touches my back and I spin around, ready to hit whoever is trying to kidnap me. I know that's a little dramatic, but it's dark out, and there's no one on the roads, so no one would notice. So, I'm just being safe.

When I turn to face my soon-to-be kidnapper, I come face-to-face with the most gorgeous face that I've ever seen. And he's talking. I shake my head. "Wait what? Sorry. I was distracted. I thought you were a rapist trying to steal my precious milkshakes that bring all the boys to the yard." I smile cheekily as he laughs. He has a beautiful laugh and it's the most beautiful sound that I've ever heard. All I want to do is make him laugh forever. If that's what I could spend my entire life doing, I'd do it.

Myles' POV

"Well, someone told me to come outside and find a boy named Jayden. Is that your name? I might have heard wrong. I do that a lot. My headphones are always in. I just can't doing anything without my headphones in. I'm completely useless without my music. It's quite sad really. And sorry I'm rambling. I do that when I'm around a cute boy." I cover my mouth right after those words come out of my mouth. Where the fuck did that just come from?! Why the fuck did I just say that? What just got over me?

He laughs and I smile, removing my hand from its place where it rests blocking the air from my body. "You have a beautiful laugh." I cover my mouth again. "I'm so sorry. I'm never like this. Holy shit." I try to laugh it off. God damn you brain. Why do you have to embarrass me in front of cute guys that I really want to make out with?! I look at his face again and notice him blushing. He's so cute when he's blushing. What the actual fuck? Stop it Myles! You can't like him. You don't even know his name.

"My name's Caeden. Not Jayden. But you were close. I'm useless without my music too. I can barely talk to people without headphones in. Other than my family of course. It's fine that you ramble. I think rambling is cute, especially when it comes from a boy as cute as the one standing in front of me right now." As he says this, I can feel myself moving closer to him very slowly, as if I'm being drawn to him. "My laugh isn't as cute as yours is. I could listen to your laugh for the rest of my life. And I don't even know your name." I start to panic. What if he doesn't like my name? What if he doesn't like me? What the hell is wrong with me?!

"My name is Myles. Like that distance of measurement that only our stupid country uses. But it's spelled with a 'y' and not an 'i'." I smile at the boy in front of me. This boy is going to be the death of me. He's so gorgeous. Wait.. I'm not even gay! I have a girlfriend. A really hot and really popular girlfriend. Why would I do anything to waste that 'perfection'? Well, that answer is quite simple. I just found one. and it goes by the name of Caeden.
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Do you guys like this story? It came to me yesterday while I was thinking about how there aren't enough stories of people that fall in love with their step sibling. Yes. I was watching teen mom with Tyler and Catelynn. Anyway, if you have any feedback, I'd really appreciate it.