Love Only Family Can Give

Chapter Two

Myles' POV

Me and Caeden have talking for a few minutes. A girl no older than 9 years old ran out the door, disrupting our easy conversation. "Caeden. Come on. The service is about to start. you have to come inside." With that, the girl ran inside. I look at Caeden and frown. I look back at the door which is still open. I guess the little girl had left the door ajar. I look back at Caeden and he's frowning too. So he feels just as bad as I do about having to go inside and leave each other's company.

"I don't want to go inside. If I go inside, I can't talk to you. We have to go inside, and then I might never see you again and--" I was cut off by his lips brushing mine. Oh my god. He's kissing me. I kiss back without even thinking. His lips are so soft. They taste good too. They taste kind of minty. Was he chewing gum and I didn't notice? What a great boyfriend. Wait what? We aren't together. I haven't even known him for an hour yet. But I don't care.

I can feel him pulling away and I let him, quite reluctently I might add. Maybe it's because he regrets kissing me. I hope not. I really liked kissing him. He licks his lip and bites the ring in his lip. He smiles at me. "I hope we can meet up later. When everyone is dancing. Save me a dance? I'll make sure to save you one. We can go inside, watch two people in love get married, and then dance together the whole night. How does that sound Myles?"

"That sounds good to me. As long as I'm the only one you dance with. And whoever else asks to dance with you, I'll kick their asses." He laughs and I shake my head "I'm not kidding. this could be the only time I ever see you for the rest of my life. Well, give me your phone." He takes out his phone and he hands it over to me. I put my number into his phone but hesitated on what to put my name as. Do I put Myles? Or can I put Sexy Beast From The Wedding? I'll pick the second one. I save the contact and send my number a text. I hand him back his phone when my phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull my phone out of the pocket of my dress pants and quickly open the text message, saving his number to my phone before he has a chance to say no. I look at him again and smile. "If at any point after tonight, you want to call me and meet up, we can. And for the sake of my sanity, I sure as hell better get a text tomorrow morning."

Caeden's POV

I look at Myles and smile. He's so beautiful. His lips were so good. Speaking of his lips, they're moving again. I snap out of my thoughts to hear him say "...sake of my sanity, I sure as hell better get a text tomorrow morning." I nod enthusiastically and take a step closer to Myles. I grab his tie and pull him closer to me. This is so amazing. The way he makes me feel. I feel like I could spend the rest of my life talking to Myles. He's so incredible. And he's talking again. Damn it Caeden. Fucking listen to his angelic voice. I look down at his hands as they rest on the small of my back. "I'll see you later then Caeden. Save me a kiss." With that, he kisses me quickly before running into the building, leaving me standing in the parking lot, touching my lips where he kissed me, and looking like a lovestruck teenager. Well, as of right now, I am.

I run into the building and run to my moms' room. "I'm back mom. Sorry I was a douche earlier. I'm calm now." I see my mom nod and I walk over and hug her. "I'm so sorry mom. I should be supportive that you found someone you love, and that loves you." I feel my mothers' arms wrap around my waist. I can feel her body shake slightly, as if she's crying or something. I pull back and see my mom smiling, but I can see the reflection of light in the place on her cheek which had just been occupied by tear drops streaming out of her eyes. She had been crying. And it was all my fault. I hug my mom tighter to me and spin her around. "I love you mommy." I hear her laugh at the name I haven't called her since I was 13. I pull away and see her wiping her cheeks, removing all of the evidence that she had ever cried, or ever been upset. I see her face scrunch up and I see her smirk.

"Why do you smell like cologne? Were you with a boy?" I can tell that what she said made me blush because she started jumping. "You were! Was it Spencer? Or was it someone else?" At the mention of my boyfriend, I frown. How great of a boyfriend am I when I can't even remember that you exist when I'm with someone else? "It was someone else. What's his name? Do I know him? Does your sister Bree know him Do you even know him?" I see her face start to turn red from the lack of oxygen she's getting.

"Mom. Breathe. I'll tell you all about it later. You sort of have a wedding to be a part of right now. And, Gramps isn't going to wait much longer. You know
how impatient he can get. We can't have him leave. He's supposed to be walking you down the aisle right about now. So get your ass out there and marry the man that you love. But, not me of course. That's just weird and illegal. You should never be allowed to marry someone that's in your family." I shiver and watch as my mom starts to laugh. "I'm just saying. That's extremely gross. And I don't ever want to witness that. So please, go marry someone that isn't me." I pat her back and hug her.

When I pull away from her, I can see my grandfather standing in the doorway, waiting for my mom. "Come on Bridget. You have to walk down that aisle before I die of suspense. I don't have years still in my life. This is probably the last wedding I'll ever get to be at. With being sick and the possibility of the cancer coming back, I don't have the time to wait. Now let's get moving sweet heart." I smile at my grandfather and mouth a 'thank you' to him. He winks at me and grabs my mothers hand, getting ready to walk her down the aisle that she's never had the pleasure to walk before.