Together at Last

The Break up

*Elijah’s Pov*

I woke up appearing to be in my coffin and it seemed to be open as well. I got out of my death bed realizing I was at a storage place. I didn’t remember much how I ended up here all I remembered last was Klaus literally stabbing me in the back. That ass must have been the one who left me here. The only question is, who’s the one who pulled that knife filled with vervain out of me?

I started walking out and dashed back to the mansion. I just wanted to get back at Klaus, I didn’t even know what the hell’s his problem, and what did I deserve for him to stab me and put me in a coffin, he usually only does that to those who really piss him off, I haven’t really done anything at all to him, but I should since he’s been acting more than his usual self, he seems strange.

“Niklaus!” I called out to him as I barged into the mansion. “NICK!!!” I said sounding really pissed.

“Yes my dearest brother, what can I do you?” He smiled as if nothing had happened earlier today.

”What the hell’s your problem, staking me with vervain and locking me up in a coffin.”

“I was just releasing me inside anger brother, but everything’s fine now. Everything is all good.” He said it very calm. “Now if you would excuse me, I’ve got a party to plan.” Klaus’s smile widened.

“What’s the occasion?” I seemed confused.

“It’s a surprise.” He chuckled and walked away.

Klaus is definitely acting weird, first he was acting even worse than his usual self and now, he’s acting less than himself. Something’s definitely is going on, I just know it. I just wonder if anyone knows what that something is.

I headed to the kitchen and served myself some scotch and took a sip and found Kol and Rebekah walking in and stealing my cup.

“There you are brother, I’ve been looking for you, actually we all have, including Kendra, she’s been looking for you like crazy.” Rebekah took a sip from my scotch.

“I think you should go talk to her and let her know you’re here and okay.” Kol grabbed the cup from Rebekah and drank the rest of my scotch.

“I will in a bit but first Reb, how was shopping with Kendra?” I asked her.

“It was pretty fun, got her some knew clothes so she won’t use mines any longer I mean I’ll let her borrow something once in a while but, imagining sharing all of my clothes? I don’t think so. Elijah.”

“Did she had fun as well?”

“Yeah, I think so.” She nodded.

“Good, good.” I smiled nodding my head. I think I should check up on her now, she;s in her room right?”

“As usual.” Kol nodded.

I headed up stars and gone to her room. She was just sitting down overthinking on something. I took a seat next to her and wrapped my arms around her to hold her tight and gave her a surprise kiss, but to my surprised, she didn’t bother to kiss back, she just turned away.

“What’s the matter Kendra?” I asked her.

“We need to talk.” She shrugged her way out and stood up facing me.

“What is it?” I wondered.

“I don’t know how to tell you this but…” She trailed off.

“Just tell me.” I said softly.

“I thought I loved you, I really did but… I don’t, Elijah you’re a really great guy and everything but… please understand I do love you but as a friend, like if you were my brother, that’s all.” She spoke up.

I just froze not knowing what to say, I felt like I really did wanted to cry, but I held in my tears. I actually thought she loved me, I’m so confused. I just remembered how excited she seemed earlier today when I asked her to be my girlfriend, and now she’s breaking up with me and it hasn’t even been twenty four hours yet.

“Kendra, if Klaus threatened you to to this please let me know and promise I won’t let anything happen to you.” I said calmly trying as hard as I can to hold in my tears.

“He didn’t, I just had a lot of thinking today and just realized I don’t see you nothing more than a friend.” She repeated herself. “Please understand Elijah, I hope we could still be friends like old time sake.” She forced on a smirk.

“I… I gotta go.” I said quickly and headed off to my room, closing the door behind me.

Tears started streaming down my eyes not believing this was actually happening to me. I love her I love her more than anything on this earth. I thought she did too but it seemed she was just a bit confused this whole time, I just have to admit that she’s just my friend and that’s all she’ll ever will be whether I like it or not.

But I don’t want to be her friend, that isn’t enough. I need to make her fall for me. I want her to want me. I want to feel that amazing feeling we both had like earlier today and also I want to feel my lips against hers, but most importantly I want her to love me back, because if she doesn’t then I don’t know what am I going to do anymore.