Cause Heartbreak Is Forever, Not This Time

Chapter 1

Hayley skipped down the path holding her moms hand towards the playground.

“Mommy,” she said sweetly, “can I go play on the playground?”

“Of course sweetie, I’ll be over here okay?” her mother asked. Hayley nodded and ran off towards a bright green slide. As she reached the top, she slipped off and fell a good five feet. A little boy came running over to Hayley and helped her up.

“Are you okay?” he asked making sure she could walk and didn’t have any cuts.

“Yeah,” Hayley replied, “what are you doing?”

“Making sure you’re not hurt,” he said with a smile.

“I’m Hayley,” she said putting out her hand.

“Frank,” he said staring at her hand in confusion.

“You’re supposed to shake it,” she whispered in his ear.

“Oh!” Frank laughed and shook her hand. “Wanna play in the sandbox?”

“Sure,” she smiled and ran after him in that direction.

“Hayley, stop running!” her mother called after her. The two laughed as they skidded into the sand and made a huge cloud of it in the air. Hayley then tripped again from laughing alone.

“Geez Hayley, you’re really clumsy!” Frank laughed helping her up.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked placing her hands on her hips and glaring at him.

“I’m not sure, but my dad says I’m that all the time,” Frank replied smiling nervously.

“Hah, its okay, my mommy says stuff about me all the time too!” Hayley replied with a wide grin.

“Hayley,” Frank whispered in her ear.

“What?” she asked snapping back into reality as she swung on the swing set a good ten years later.

“You were out there again,” he replied shoving her again.

“Sorry,” Hayley whispered with a coy smile.

“What were you thinking about?” Frank asked stopping the swing so she could get off.

“Nothing,” she replied innocently.

“Sure, and I’m super tall,” he said quite sarcastically. Hayley laughed a little.

“Nothing I swear,” she laughed.

“You better!” Frank shouted as he picked her up.

“Piggy back ride?” she asked in his ear.

“Fine!” he shouted putting her down. She hoped on to his back and he carried her down the block towards another friend’s house.

“Why are we going to Gerard and Mikey’s?” Hayley asked.

“I felt like it!” Frank said stubbornly.

“Can’t you bring me home first?” she asked sweetly.

“Nope,” he said dropping her on her ass.

“Thanks Iero!” she shouted and stormed off down the street.

“It was an accident?” Frank called after quite unsure.

“Yeah right!” Hayley shouted spinning around. “Listen you, I’ve taken crap from you everyday and I mean, we’ve been friends for ten fucking years! I would think you would know that I’m not exactly friends with your friends. You should also know not to drop a girl on her ass!”

“Sorry,” Frank muttered quite embarrassed.

“Yeah fucking right,” she said heading home.

“But I am sorry Hays,” Frank said apologetically. Hayley didn’t respond, but she did stick her nose higher up in the air. “Come on, I know you’re not like this,” he said placing his arm around her. She broke away and glared at him, although her heart was beating a mile a minute.

“No you’re not,” she pouted, crossing her arms as well looking away towards the grass on her right.

“Yes I am and you know it!” Frank shouted, frustrated as ever, “and if you won’t believe me I’ll go and hang out with my real friends!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, new story. Hope you guys like it.