Cause Heartbreak Is Forever, Not This Time

Chapter 3

I ran away tears spilling down my moist cheeks and little droplets fell onto the sidewalk beneath my feet. I slowed down my pace to a slow walk each step taking all my energy with it. I could feel my muscles tense and relax with every slight movement of the ligaments. I finally could walk no further, I fell face down onto the sidewalk tears emitting from me from the sudden pain and a mix of other emotions. The scrapping of converse heels across the sidewalk rang through my head, only one person besides me walks like that.

“Hays, you’re bleeding,” the voice said. I made no effort to respond to it, I merely rolled over and faced the sky. Tears continued to leak from my eyes and rolled down in odd angles now that I had changed my position. I stared at the darkening clouds, “looks like it’s going to rain,” he said. I nodded my head just as the first droplets fell down upon my face. He let out a light laugh as I closed my eyes, “I knew you’d enjoy this.”

**** Several hours later ****

I dragged myself home along with Frank. We were soaking wet from sitting out in the rain and talking about Gerard and Mikey. How we had so much to talk about was well beyond me

“Are you spending the night Frankie?” I asked nervously, rubbing my arm subconsciously.

“Let me call my mom and tell her,” he smiled. I nodded, shut the door behind him, slipped off my shoes, and went out in search of my mother.

“Hey mom,” I smiled sweetly.

“What do you want?” she asked harshly.

“Frankie’s spending the night,” I responded with the same attitude as her.

“Fine,” she stated uncaringly and continued working. I sighed and headed to the kitchen, my socks making squishing sounds with each step on the hardwood flooring of the hallway until it reached the living room that has carpeting. I turned in to the kitchen and there stood Frankie twirling the phone cord with his free hand as he spoke softly into the receiver, also shifting his weight between his feet causing every time a squish and a little water to come out of them. I stood there leaning against the doorframe watching him. He smiled lightly and hung up the phone.

“She said fine,” Frank smiled. I sent Frankie a small smile and we both headed to my room. I dug out his box of clothes he kept stashed here and let him dig through it. I grabbed my pajamas off my bed and went into the bathroom, locking the door after me. I changed quickly into my black and red stripped flannel pants and Green Day t-shirt and looked in the mirror. I stared at my pale white face, it had purple-black bags under the eyes and the skin seemed a sickly white-green. I sighed and washed off the remains of my eyeliner that had managed to run in almost every direction. After it was all off I seemed even paler. I audibility sighed and unlocked the door to see a concerned Frank. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” I muttered. He put the back of his hand to my forehead and shook his head.

“Bedtime,” he laughed. I looked at him confusedly. “You’re burning up, get to bed missy!” I laughed lightly at him and headed into my room with him hot on my heels. I laid down and snuggled under the sheets of my bed as he laughed lightly at me and pulling the mattress out from under my bed.

“You can come up here you know,” I said weakly to Frankie. He smiled and pushed the mattress back under and climbed in with me. “Night Frankie,” I muttered through a yawn and began drifting off to sleep.

“Night Hays, I love you,” he whispered in response.
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Took a while i know, I was busy. I should update all my stories a bit more withing a months span of now cuz i'm grounded. Comments? PLEASE?