Status: This is an experiment: a scene per day

A Tale of a Guardian

The Interrogation

“Wait,” Hosanna waves her hands casually in a stopping motion, “so you’re saying the ceiling fell on you, and you survived unhurt?

“Oh, it hurt.” Delilah quips. “Just no permanent damage.”
Hosanna rolls her eyes.
“How,” She persists as she leans into the table, “can you be sitting here if a ceiling fell on you?”
Delilah bites her bottom lip wanting to release her biggest secrets for once and for all, but she can’t. By sharing her truth, she bestows a long existence of struggle and obligation for all her listeners. Although it pains Delilah to pick Hosanna for this burden, her passion makes her perfect for the position, and Delilah knows Hosanna’s sense of honor would never let the power get to her head, like her predecessor.
“I don’t know.” Delilah lies finally, glancing back at the camera. “Who’s back there?”
Delilah motions her head to the two-way mirror.
“No…” Hosanna starts the usual fib then reconsiders. “Meyers and Fowler.” She states staring past Delilah to the mirror.
Delilah turns and waves weakly at Joshua’s old drinking buddies. Hosanna clears her throat to regain Delilah’s attention.
“How’d you not get crushed by the ceiling?” Hosanna inquires getting back to business.
“I can’t explain it.” Delilah says honestly with a noncommittal shrug. “I just didn’t.”
Not seeing Hosanna budge in believing her, she changes tactics.
"But I think I know who did it.” She declares, hoping a new suspect will shift Hosanna’s interest until she could show Hosanna the truth. Then they can both track down Magdalene.
“Who?” Hosanna asks doubtfully.
Delilah bows her head I shame as the guilt rises up her spine. She shoves it back down so she can continue.
“My sister.” She mutters towards the floor, almost too low for Hosanna to hear.
“What sister?” Hosanna retorts in surprise.
“My sister Magdalene.” Delilah exclaims. “She showed up in my car yesterday.”

“Your sister Magdalene.” Hosanna recites to herself, cupping her chin in her hand and rubbing her jaw line with her thumb.

Delilah knows the gesture well. It is one of Hosanna’s few tells, which means she wants to believe this new lead so Delilah presses on.

“She has a long history of violence, especially with fire.” Delilah elaborates. “And she hates to see me happy.”

Hosanna’s hand moves to her forehead as she talks in this new possibility.

“So you’re saying,” She clarifies, “your sister showed in town yesterday, saw you happy and then torched your house.”

“It wouldn’t be the first time, actually.” Delilah replies sadly.

“Lilah, what is this? A soap opera?” Hosanna banters. “Are we playing out a new scene for ‘The Young and The Psychotic’?”

Dililah chokes up a chuckle before shaking her head.

“I know it sounds melodramatic, Sanna. I really do.” She continues. “But that’s Magdalene.”

Delilah leans closer to Hosanna so the detective can see the truth in her eyes.

“I have been running from her for most of life.” Delilah states frankly. “She is the reason I keep myself so guarded.”

Hosanna nods in understanding as a friend, not a detective.

"I’m tired of running, Sanna.” Delilah says with a plea in her voice. “Please help be stop her this time.”

Hosanna squeezes her eyes shut fighting the urge to help her friend.

“Lilah,” She mutters, “based on the evidence, so far, you were the only other person in the house.”

Delilah nods.

“Exactly, but it was my house.” She affirms. “I’m all over that house. Not to mention, my blood from the glass that I stepped on to get out the window.” She continues seeing her new approach take root. “But, Sanna, what if I’m not the suspect but the target.”

Hosanna’s eyes widen at this new thought. Her eyes dart around as her mind shifts through the logic hunting for flaws.

“Okay.” She declares. “I’ll look into this Magdalene.”

"She's a leggy redhead." Delilah interjects. "Probably in a stolen sports car."

Hosanna raises her brow.

"A redhead?" She asks skeptically.

"With a pale complexion." Delilah adds with a shrug.

"Okay." Hosanna says shaking her head. "But..."

“Are you about to tell me to not leave town?” Delilah interrupts with a slight smirk. “Cause that would be very cop show drama of you.”

Hosanna covers her mouth to hide the smile, but Delilah sees it in her eyes. She returns the smile glad to have a piece of her friend back but it doesn’t stay long.

As Hosanna explains the suspect release procedures, Delilah contemplates her plan one more time. She got lucky this time, not having to reveal her true identity and break the covenant just yet. But that time was coming. And the new guardian would have to be ready. So far, she picked three of her closest friends for Ascension without their knowledge. She needed one more to complete the circle and binds the new with the old bringing an end to ancient sibling rivalries.