Status: This is an experiment: a scene per day

A Tale of a Guardian

Present Day

Delilah stares at her new hybrid sample through a microscope. With any hope, the plant will help the medical community while purifying the air with more oxygen. A smile crosses Delilah’s face at the possibilities.

She has been working in this lab for only a few years, and with the help of her powers, has changed the concept of plant hybridization. She is a rock star in her field and never took a single class in botany. Why would she have to when plants do what she asks of them?

Still, it’s a splendid feeling to put her craft to work and not be shunned for it. In this age of reason over superstition, she can use her gifts as her mother always intended, in assisting mankind.

Someone taps her on her shoulder.

“Lilah,you are going to be late.” Her assistant says in her ear.

Pulling away from her creation, Delilah looks at her phone next to the microscope.


Oh no, she already is late. She tears off her white lab coat and places it next the microscope. She never hangs it up with the other so she knows where she left off on the next day. She grabs her phone stuffing it in her pocket. She turns to her assistant, a mousy little thing with glasses and pony-tailed hair.

“Please, store my sample.” She asks patting the girl’s shoulder.

The assistant nods.

“Just go. I’ll handle everything here.”

Delilah rechecks her workspace on last time before her assistant gently shoves her toward the door.

“You don’t want to ruin your date with Joshua.” She says with a knowing smile that makes Delilah want to stay and question her but she doesn’t have the time.

With a shake of her head, she leaves the lab and heads to her car. As she approaches, she notices someone in her passenger seat. Once she reaches her car, she sighs loudly with annoyance. She will definitely be late now.

She slides into her car and stares at her sister.

“Magdalene,what are you doing here?” She exhales.

Magdalene pulls her examining eyes from her neatly manicured nails and looks at Delilah. The two sisters could pass for twins in their original appearance but Magdalene was never a fan of sharing anything, even her features. So instead of a brown haired, tawny-eyed woman with skin of burnt honey, a redhead with blue eyes and alabaster skin stares at Delilah.

“Del, you know it’s about time for our bi-century sisterly chats.” Magdalene tosses her glossy locks over her shoulder.

Delilah cringes at the nickname. She has always hated it, and her sister has always used it.

“I don’t have time for your next campaign pitch to join your side of this ridiculous fight. I have to be somewhere.” She explains slowly to avoid yelling.

“But Del, we are immortal. We have nothing but time.” She jests then turns serious.“Unless you are running off to be with that mortal I saw you with the other day.”

Delilah shifts in her seat and leans into her sister.

“You leave Joshua out of this.” She demands as the ground under the car quivers.

Magdalene holds up her hands in surrender.

“Peace, sister.”

Once the ground settles, Magdalene straightens.

“I didn’t come here for your silly mortal.” She exclaims. “This is about Seth…”

“I don’t care.” Delilah interrupts. “You have been feuding for over three centuries, each coming to me to be the turning over the tide and bring one of you victory. Like I’ve said from the beginning, I will never fight again. And soon, you may not have the option.”

“What?” Magdalene screams. “You don’t mean…”

“Yes. I do.”

“But Seth has gone crazy!” Magdalene yells. “You must…”

Delilah raises her hand.

“Get out!” Delilah retorts. “Before I bury you under this parking lot.”

Magdalene opens the car door and gets out.

“Delilah, please you can’t give up your powers.” She pleads. “What about the balance?”

Delilah leans over the passenger side and grabs the door.

“I’m still figuring that part out, Mag.” She says before slamming the door and driving away.

As she goes, she hears Magdalene yell, “Don’t be like Samson!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Another day, another scene. Until tomorrow... when you learn about Samson and a little more about this immortal family.

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