Status: This is an experiment: a scene per day

A Tale of a Guardian

Present Day

Delilah pulls into the driveway of their white colonial only five minutes late. Before turning off the headlights, she flips down the visor for a last minute check. She grabs a melted tube of colored Chap Stick from her center console and dabs a little on her lips. After blowing a quick kiss in satisfaction, she flicks up the visor and gets out the car.

She takes the cobble walkway to the front door passing the parlor’s bay windows. She stops when she realizes that none of the lights are on inside.

Panic seizes her body. Magdalene couldn’t have gotten here already. She would never harm Joshua, she said so herself. And no matter what Magdalene has done in the past, she was always good for her word.

Not believing any her rationalizations, Delilah runs to the front door. She fiddles with her keys trying to find the right one for the door. With luck, she finds it but misses the keyhole in her overzealous state. Rattling the door, she takes a shaking breath.

As she slides the key into place, the door latch clicks and flies open. Delilah stands with her hand outstretched staring at her completely safe boyfriend.

“Lilah?” He asks.

Delilah sighs with relief and launches herself into him. Joshua rocks back from her sudden assault. After a second of confusion, he wraps his arms around her with one hand stroke her hair and the other on her back.

She breathes him in as she starts to calm down. She turns her head and rests it on his shoulder basking in the liveliness of his mortal heartbeat. Once her breath matches his, she pulls away reluctantly.

“No need to panic, my sweet.” He says while pushing a lock of her hair behind her ear. “You are only a few minutes late.”

A coy smile plays on his lips that reach all the way to his sapphire eyes. His hand lingers along Delilah’s jaw, and she shivers with a very different breathlessness. It’s amazing after four years he can call to her body like no man in existence.

“I got worried when all the lights were off.” She explains with a shaking voice.

Joshua nods.

“I thought scientists were supposed to see past the obvious.” He teases.

With one arm still draped around her shoulders, he ushers through the hallway.

“It’s been a crazy day. My…” She stops as they reach the dining room.

The entire room is aflame with hundreds of candles. They line the floor haloing the dining table.
They litter the table, only allowing room for a single plate. On the plate lies a little black felt box open at the hinge displaying the most beautiful ring Delilah has ever seen.

She stands there speechless gawking until she hears Joshua’s quiet chuckle.

“I’m hoping that look means yes since it appears you have lost the ability to speak.” He jests running his hand through his short blond hair, a gesture he only does when he is nervous.

Realizing how patient he is being, Delilah turns to him with a giant smile that almost hurts her cheeks

“Of course, it’s a yes.” She states smacking him lightly on the shoulder. “Don’t be silly.”

He blows out a breath dramatically running a hand across his forehead. They both laugh until Delilah wraps her arm around his neck and kisses him. The kiss deepens as he returns it. His hands bury themselves in her long brown hair as he nibbles on her bottom lip. A girlish giggle escapes her lips before his takes them over again. She rips at his white button up wanting more than just his kisses.

They break apart violently with ragged breaths. They stare at each other with a deep desire matching the heat from the candles in the room.

“I had a dinner all planned.” Joshua exhales.

“I’m not that kind of hungry.” Delilah interrupts with a tempting smile.

“Me either.” He replies looking around the room to all the candles.

Delilah follows his gaze.

“I’ll take of these.” She states motioning to the candles. “And meet you in the bedroom.”

Joshua eyes widen with anticipation. He grabs her by the neck pulling her in for another kiss. This one is gentle yet smoldering with a promise for what is to come.

He backs away slowly, not wanting to leave her side.

“Don’t be late this time.” He teases with a devilish grin. “I might not be so forgiving.”

Delilah smiles until he turns the corner. She looks at the room of lighted candles and her new engagement. She walks up to it.

“You will have to wait.” She says plainly. She waves her hand across the room and the candles all sputter out.

“But he won’t.”

She exits the darkened dining room and heads to bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really enjoyed writing this today. Hope you enjoy reading it. Stay tuned for tomorrow's installment