Spying for Love

Friendly Meetings

I managed to find Jacey in the crowd and tugged on her elbow. She turned around, an evident annoyed expression on her face.

"Hey," I said, faking a smile on my face. "I'm Ashley, your new roommate."

She gave me a quick over-view, looking at me up and down. She grinned when she got to my tank top and said, "Nice tank-top."

"I can say the same about yours."

She let out a grunt of approval and started to walk up the stairs, me at her heel. We walked in silence that is until a bright, bubbly bond jumped in front of us. And when I said bubbly, I mean bubbly.

"Jacey-Lacey!" She yelled, pulling an embarrassed Jacey into a hug. "I haven't seen you in foooorever!"

"Two hours isn't forever, Blythe. Can you now please let go off me so I can breathe?" Jacey managed to choke out from under the hard grasp.

Blythe let go off her with a grin and looked at me cheerfully. "Well, hello there! What's your name?" She shouted bursting my eardrums.

Not sure whether to be scared or annoyed, I looked at Jacey with a helpful look and thankfully, she answered for me. "Name's Ashley. She's my new roommate and probably a new kid." She looked at me for conformation and I nodded.

"Oh, I absolutely love new people." Blythe pulled me into a bone-crushing hug and I flinched. Hugs. Not my thing. For such a small person she sure had a strong grip.

"Thanks, I...[cough] love them...too." She let go off me and I began rubbing my neck, trying to get the circulation back there. What universe had I fallen into? If someone had tried to do that to me a couple of hours ago, I would have flipped them on their back and would have had the heel of my shoe at their neck.

"My name's Blythe Morgan." Begin profile. Blythe Morgan (A.K.A. Sugar Crazy) was wearing a ruffled pink miniskirt with a white polo. She had managed to run and jump in front of us in Prada heels. She stood at the height of 5'3" with her heels, so guessing original height to be 5 foot. Each strand of her wavy, blond hair was in place and her teeth were sparkling enough to signal a plane to land. She seems very friendly and possible...a bit cuckoo.

"Hey." I shifted my foot from side to side, not sure of what to exactly say. Oh my gosh, was I really this boring? No! "Do you guys mind showing me around here? It's my first night and I don't know how to get to my classes or to a-"

"Don't worry," Blythe began, taking a hold of my arm, looping it with hers. "We'll show all the must-see places." She looped her other arm with Jacey’s and started to walk towards a different direction.

After a few minutes of silence, Blythe asked, "So where are you coming from? Is it someplace exotic because you really look exotic...not that I'm looking at you like that or anything but you're really pretty and it's jus-"

Jacey placed her free hand over Blythe's mouth and muttered. "Geez, let her speak."

I laughed aloud at Blythe's craziness and grinned. "Well, I'm really from (now here comes the part where my awesome skill of lying comes into full contact) California but we just came back from...a refuge camp from Thailand." Don't see any reason why Ashley Johnson can't be a bit exciting.

I had caught Jacey's and Blythe's attention as they both turned to me with interest. Jacey's eyes lit up with amazement as she asked, "Really what did you there?"

"Oh, well," I paused trying to remember, what I actually did the last time I was in Thailand besides saving a small child from the dirty hands of a pedophile. "We built small houses and I was actually in the middle of building a small school but was called to come back to my education." This for one wasn't a lie. During the summer, Vicky and I spent three weeks in Thailand building houses for the poor. We were on the verge of building a school when we were called to help Agent Win and his captured teammates from the deep terrain of the Amazon forest.

Her eyes glazed over with pride as Blythe squealed out, "Oh my god! That is so cool! I wish I could have done something like that. But wasn't it smelly over there?" And there it is. I was wondering when she would mess up.

I giggled, shaking my head. Jacey suddenly stopped and pointed to an abandoned classroom. "That used to be our Physic's class last year. That's also where they caught Teresa Williams sexing up Mr. Ikjovia for some extra credit." She winked at me, a grin on her face. I let out a laugh, thinking about the scandal.

"That's crazy! Was she expelled?"

"Rumor has it, she's working for Playboy now. Mr. Ikjovia is now tending to his mother's cats in her house." Blythe giggled at Jacey's secrets and we walked along.

They informed me all about the crazy boys and perverted teachers. It was comforting being Ashley Johnson, for once not having to worry about some bad guy leaping out from behind us.

"Don't look now Jace, but there goes Nate." Blythe whispered, obviously teasing her friend.

I looked into the direction which Jacey was trying to avoid and a really cut guy came into view. But not as cute as Caden. He had wavy brown hair and was wearing a button-down shirt. For some reason, he did not look like Jacey's rebel type. She with her combat boots and he with his blazer really clashed strangely. I smiled to myself and Jacey turned to glare at me. "Don't stare at him! He's going to look over here."

"You have something for him?" I asked. I tried to stifle in a laugh as she nodded anxiously. It didn't work. I burst out laughing and she blushed, a glare on her face.

"I can just see you two trying to kiss." I imagined the picture in my head, her feet clomping on his shiny Italian loafers. My laugh became harder and Blythe joined in. Jacey became redder in the face and she started to walk away in the opposite direction. Blythe and I gave each other a look (after we had stopped laughing like hyenas and got a look from him and his friends), and ran after her.

She finally stopped walking and waited for us at the bottom of the stairs with her arms crossed. She looked very stern at the moment and I smiled apologetically.

"Listen, I am going to make it my sole mission (besides the one I had to take care of) and hook you two up."

Blythe let out a laugh and I gave her a confused nod. "Yeah right. That will never happen in a million year. She's way too scared to walk a few feet in front of him nevertheless talk to him."

I smiled to myself, grinning evilly. "Don't worry. I have my ways."

Jacey's eyes widened as she said, "I don't like the sound of that. Let it go, newbie."

I let out a scoff as I angrily said, "Hey! I am deeply offended by that."

She let out a grin and poked my shoulder apologetically. I glanced at my watch and saw that it was almost twelve and suggested that we go to our rooms. They agreed and we ran up (me rather quickly and clumsily) the stairs and went to our room. Blythe roomed next door and promised to pop in whenever she wanted to and I feared for my heart that she would surely jump out and scare me. After a half an hour, Jacey and I had our pajamas (our original clothes, just traded the jeans for some sweatpants) on and were ready to hit the hay. Eww...why did I say that?

"Night, Ashley." She murmured into her pillow. I said "good night" back and waited a couple of minutes until I was sure that she was fully asleep. The soft grunts and snores coming from her end was all I needed as I jumped out of my bed and grabbed a small surveillance camera from the dresser. It was disguised as an average clock and I reminded myself to put one in the room as well. I hoped no one was outside or it might have been a bit difficult explaining to someone why I was putting a clock in the hallway.

I planned on putting one outside our room to make sure nobody went into our room for any reason. I crept to the door and turned the handle, my back towards the door. I took a dew steps back until I collided with something. Or someone, to be exact. A certain familiar someone.

"Stealing a clock now? I gotta say, you do pick the best toys." He held his hand out to me as he got up.

I took it and he heaved me up easily. "Sueeze. Um I mean, sure because clocks are sooo much nicer than butter knives. Don't you think?"

He nodded eagerly and I grinned seeing how nicely he went along with this. "You're new here, aren't you?"

"I'm...um, how'd you know that?"

He looked around the hallway. "Never leave your room quarter after midnight."

I scoffed saying, "Well, then why are you out?"

He grinned, a proud look on his face. "Because I'm the night patroller dude."

I gave him a disbelieving look. "Night patroller dude?"

"Well yeah. Have you read Harry Potter?" The boy that was a wizard? I shook my head and it was his turn to look at me in disbelief. "Wow, but um yeah, I'm something like that from there. I walk around and make sure no one gets out their rooms?"

"So you're like a tattler?" I asked airily.

He laughed and shook his head, his hair falling into his eyes. "I really don't give a crap what anyone does. I just do it for the freedom." I raised an eyebrow and he continued. "Well, I get to roam around the school and outside. Nothing's better than going into the kitchens and getting me a midnight snack."

I giggled in agreement. "Totally." I pointed to clock and said, "So I'll see you later."

He nodded, in wait, what? Could it be in disappointment? Nah, probably hunger as he walked away. I waited until he had walked away and down to the fourth floor until I attached the clock onto the wall. I positioned it so that the camera could see the face of the person coming into the room. I turned it on and set it up that the video could come onto my laptop and my watch. I waved my hand in front of the camera and looked down at my watch. There I am! I stood back, happy with the result. I walked back into the room, ready for sleep.

The next day? Not so much.
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I just keeep posting them up don't i?