Status: Active :)

A Love Like War

Chapter 3

Elle's P.O.V

I stood at the door that lead me to one of my idols.
I have to admit it, I'm kind of scared after what Tom told me.
I decide to man up knocking 3 times.
'Come in' I heard Oli say bluntly through the door. I opened it slowly taking in the tall and perfect figure that stood perfectly in his chair.
'Tom said that you wanted to meet me' I said quietly.
'Are you Elle Monteiro right?'
'Then yes, I want to meet you, just come here and sit down!' he said in a bossy voice. I walked over to the chair in front of his desk and sat down on it.
'So you're the girl that my brother is been talking about' he said bluntly.
'I guess' I said not exactly knowing how to answer to that.
'I can see why he wants you to become our model' he said with a smirk.
'What??' I asked in shock.
He didn't answered me, instead he stood up from his chair and walked to me, getting really close to my face. He parted his lips to speak but closed them again, staring deeply in my eyes.
'Tell me what you're thinking!' he said.
'I'm thinking that you're really close to my face' I said.
'Is that a problem?' he replied in a cocky tone.
'It depends on what you're thinking' I said sounding cocky too.
'I'm thinking that you're really hot Miss Monteiro' he said getting even closer to my face.
'Well you're not that bad yourself Mr. Sykes' I whispered in his ear.
'You're lips look so delicious Miss Monteiro!'
'I know something that looks as delicious as my lips' I said entering in his game.
'You don't wast words Miss Monteiro' he said blocking me between the chair and his chest.
'Well I don't waste time either!' I said grabbing his arm, that was blocking my way out.

Oliver's P.O.V

This girl is driving me out of my mind. She is so hot. I want her. I want her right here.
'So what you're waiting for?' I asked her. I couldn't keep my eyes of her hand in my arm, her touch is like fire running all over my body.
'I'm waiting for you Oliver' and that was it! I crashed my lips on hers, our lips moved in sync. I grabbed her by her waist pulling her up without breaking the kiss. I moved my hands to her ass, giving her a hint to jump to my waist and she did it. I grabbed her by her legs sitting her on my desk. I pulled away and locked my hands on the hem of her crop top, looking straight into her eyes, she nodded her head telling me that it's okay for me to take it off. I took her crop top off and cupped her breasts in my hands. They feel so good in my hands. I leaned down to kiss her but she took my shirt off before I could kiss her. She kissed me this time and god dammit it felt good. Moving my hands out of her breasts to her back I undid her bra throwing it across the room.
'Oli, you fucker!'...