Status: Active :)

A Love Like War

Chapter 4

Oliver's P.O.V

'Oli, you fucker!' I heard my brother say. 'You know I like her!' he yelled again.
'You what?!' Elle said looking at my brother without getting out of my back. I was trying my best to cover her with my own body.
'Yeah I like you, since the day that you came in here' he yelled.
'Well I never lead you into anything' the sexy girl behind me said.
'Why the fuck do you think I hired you??' my stupid brother yelled again.
'Well thanks a lot Tommy!' Elle said ironically.
'I should fire you bitch!' Tom yelled with so much anger.
'No you shouldn't and you wont Tom because I'm the fucking boss of this store! Elle is staying! Elle what to you want to be?' I said.
'What?' she asked confused.
'For what Tom said you're doing your gap year so what do you want to attend in college?'
'Oh I want to be a PR!' she said honestly.
'Well congrats! You're the new store PR, front model, probably my band's PR and do you have another hot friend?'
'I have...' she said once again confused.
'Well congrats again, you and her are going to be merch girls' I said looking straight into her eyes.
'Are you serious?' both Tom and her asked at the same time.
'Yes I'm dead serious! And Elle, I'm going to rise your payment. Now go home, talk with your friend and I'm going to pick her and you. We're going to a party so dress nice' I said and winked at her.
'Seriously? Are you really going to give her all those jobs and a rise?'
'Yes. Why? Do you have any problem with that?' I said. I wanted so bad to get to his face but I couldn't leave Elle exposed like that.
'Yes! I do have a problem with that! I have been working in this store since the beginning and you never fucking gave me a rise!' Tom shouted.
'Too bad lil brother, I'm the boss and I don't care. Now leave my fucking office!' I said. Tom walked out of my office mumbling about how unfair this all thing was. Truth to be told I never meant to kiss her or anything, until I saw her. She was definitely one of the most beautiful girls that I've ever seen.
I turned myself to her looking straight into her eyes.
'I'm sorry for this!' I said honestly.
'It's ok Oli' she said while she dressed herself.
'No it's not! My brother was stupid with this argument!' I screamed getting angry again.
'Calm down Oliver' she said wrapping her arms around my neck and my arms found their way to her hips.
'I feel like I have known you for years.' I said to her.
'Ah I'm an easy person' she said laughing.
'I guess you're, now put that fine ass of yours on the move because we have a place to be at night' I said while giving her a little slap on her ass. She grinned and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek and got out of my grip.
'See you later Mr. Sykes' Elle said looking back at me from my office door.
'See you later beautiful' I replied watching her walk down the stairs.