Home of the Free, the Sick, and Depraved

I Refuse

-Razor's POV-
"Hey, Razor, I have a question for you," Josh walked into my bedroom/living room at Megan's apartment.
"Go for it," I put my hands on my hips.
"Would you like to be the band's tour manager?"
"You already have one..."
"But you were doing his job better than him on this last tour."
"I would have to talk to Slash."
"She's my boss, but I would love to be. Being a bartender is not my thing."
"I thought you were straight edge?"
"I am, but that was the one job I could find, so..."
"Okay. Well, let' go out for lunch?"
"Sounds good. Wings?"
"Sure," we walked out the door with hooked arms. No, we aren't dating, but we are really close like that.

"No, Josh!" our argument was getting pretty heated.
"You need to!"
"When that bastard decides to apologize to me, I'll apologize to him," he was trying to make me apologize to Devin. Not happening.
"Why can't you just be the bigger person!"
"Because he started this!"
"What are you, five!" I scoffed.
"Your voice is getting on my nerves! Gah! I'm out," I turned on my heels and stomped up the stairs to Megan's apartment.
"Razor, that you?" Megan called as I slammed the door.
"Yep," I grumbled.
"You alright?" she walked into the living room.
"I'm dandy," I grinned angrily.
"Talk to me."
"Josh wants me to apologize to Devin."
"I didn't start any of this."
"Be the bigger person."
"God, you sound just like him," I slammed myself onto the couch and groaned.
After work that night, I talked to Slash.
"Hey, um, here's my form of resignation," I handed her a packet.
"I finally found something that wasn't based around alcohol."
"You mean you were looking?" she looked hurt.
"No, it actually fell into my lap. I wasn't going to look cause I knew you'd be sad, but, Slash, I'm straight edge and working as a bartender. It's time for me to move on," she nodded.
"How long are you staying?"
"My last day is next Friday. So, a week."
"Okay. It's sad to see you go," I nodded and walked home.