Home of the Free, the Sick, and Depraved

Goodbye, New York

-Razor's POV-

I walked into the doors of the night club to see everyone standing there.
"Hi?" I tilted my head to the right.
"It's your last night," Slash frowned, "so we have a surprise for you."
"Should I run?"
"No. Everyone pitched in. Here," she handed me a $250 American Express card.
"Oh my god! Thanks, guys," a group hug may or may not have happened.
I walked over to the bar and set everything up for the last time.
"Gin and tonic," the first customer of the night ordered.
Yeah, I'm not going to miss this place. I hate making drinks.

"Bye, Slash," I gave her a hug.
"Bye, Razor. I'm going to miss you."
"I'll miss you too," I turned and walked out of the doors, ridding me of that place entirely.
I grabbed a cab home to change into something a bit more comfortable before walking to Josh's hotel.
"Hey, come in," he grinned and widely opened the door.
"Remember what you said the other day? About me moving to Scranton?" I sat on the bed.
"Yeah. Did you decide?"
"Do you know if there are any houses available in your neighborhood? I liked your house so..."
"What if you just moved right into my house?"
"No, I can't do that."
"And why's that?"
"Because I've been living with someone for years. I've not ever been on my own."
"Well, you aren't about to be alone considering your new job."
"It's better financially for you to just move in with me. Then it reduces how much you and I both have to pay on a house while we're on tour. Plus, we'll be living together for months at a time... With other guys too," he chuckled.
"Okay. I mean it's not like we'd be taking things too quickly by already living together considering we were best friends first."
"Awesome. We leave in the morning. Want to go pack your things?"
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'll go do that," I gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked back to Megan's.
"Megan?" I walked trough the door.
"I'm moving out tomorrow," I found her in the kitchen.
"Oh really? Where to?" I took a deep breath.
"Wow. We'll be apart for the first time in... Ever."
"I know. Considering I'm Motionless in White's new tour manager and Josh's girlfriend..."
"What! You're the tour manager? That's awesome!"
"Yeah. Well, I need to pack and then I'm going to Josh's hotel. We're leaving in the morning."
"Well I'll say my good-byes right now," she gave me a hug and I went and packed up my few things.
Good-bye, New York.