Home of the Free, the Sick, and Depraved


-Razor's POV-

"I miss you so freaking much!" I told Megan over Skype.
"Miss you too, Razor! How's tour?"
"It's a bit of work. Fun but a bit of work," I smiled.
"That's great."
"Yeah. So how is Slash holding up? You know since the whole suicide attempt?" Megan looked down.
"Razor... Slash was successful at killing herself three weeks ago..."
"What! And no one fucking told me!" I questioned.
"Sorry... I didn't know how to tell you because you tried so hard to help-"
"That's beside the point! Why did no one fucking tell me?" all my friends are turning... What the heck?
"I don't know..."
"I trusted you... I thought you would help her... And I at least expected you to tell me that my friend killed herself. I would've gone to the funeral."
"Razor, I'm so sorry."
"Save it," I hung up.
"Everything alright?" Josh stood in the doorway to the back lounge.
"Wanna talk about it?" he sat down next to me.
"My friends aren't who I thought they were."
"Jess defended my dad and Megan didn't tell me about Slash killing herself."
"I'm sure Jess has a reason behind why she defended your dad. She seems like the kind of person to look at all perspectives before making a decision. And about Megan, I love her to death but I don't agree with what she did. Slash was your friend and you had the right to know, but she may have had a reason on why she didn't tell you. It is your first tour as manager so she may have not wanted you to stress about work and the suicide of Slash."
"Why do you always have to be right?"
"Cause I'm Balz," he smirked.
"Shut up," I snickered.
"You said that your old drummer, Angelo was it, works at Electric City Tattoo, right?"
"Yeah, apprenticing. Why?"
"Because I've been meaning to call my sister."
"Oh yeah, you said she works there?"
"Yep. I think I'm gonna call her right now," I pulled out my phone and pressed four, Cora's speed dial number.
"Burn?" she got that nickname from being obsessed with fire since forever.
"Dude! You haven't called in so long! I've missed you, little sister."
"Been busy. I've missed you too!"
"Tell me, what's new?"
"Have you heard that they found Dad's corpse?"
"That man got what he deserved."
"That's what I'm saying!"
"But I meant what's new with you?"
"Oh well a lot, actually..."
"Do tell."
"I'm the tour manager for Motionless In White, for one."
"Did you just say Motionless In White?"
"Yeah. Why?" I smirked knowing what would happen next.
"My boyfriend, Angelo, used to drum for them," I choked on air.
"I know!"
"See, Josh told me how Angelo's apprenticing at Electric City and I remembered how you work there so I called and- wow."
"Tell me, what is your relationship with Mr. Josh?"
"What happened to Steel? You were so happy with him."
"Has it really been this long since we've talked?"
"Razor, what happened?"
"Ha, well let's just say I got a sum of money from him in court."
"He molested you?" she rose her voice.
"Among other things."
"That douche bag!"
"Don't have to tell me. Anyway, you and Angelo, huh?" Josh looked up from his phone and opened his mouth in shock. I nodded to confirm what he was thinking.
"Yeah. For about two months I wanna say."
"Aw, little Burn is growing up," I cooed.
"Hey, you're the little one."
"So?" I smirked.
"Goodness... When are you visiting again?"
"Well I actually moved back so whenever I get back from tour."
"You moved back and didn't come say hi?"
"I was preoccupied."
"With what? I'm your sister."
"Remember Slash?"
"The girl I met once?"
"Her. Well she attempted suicide around the time I moved back and I was familiarizing myself with what I'd be doing as tour manager."
"Oh my goodness is she alright?"
"No, actually. Megan just told me today that she killed herself three weeks ago."
"That's awful that she died."
"Yeah. I will really miss her."
"What a shame... She was beautiful too."
"Yeah. Well my lunch break is about over, so call again soon, okay?"
"I will. Love you."
"Love you too," she hung up and I looked at Josh.
"Dating? Angelo is dating your sister?"
He stood up and ran into the front room. I followed.
"Angelo is in a relationship!"
"You talked to him?" Chris spoke up.
"No. Razor just called her sister. Angelo is dating Razor's sister."
"Small world. We should go see him after tour."
"We should."