Home of the Free, the Sick, and Depraved

I'm Sorry

-Razor's POV-

I set aside my pride and headed for the Farewell, My Love merch table where Jess was working.
"Look," I started to speak, but she did too so we ended up laughing a little.
"You first," she motioned.
"Jess, I'm really sorry about the other day... Josh pointed out that you look at every point of view before concluding anything. I shouldn't have snapped at you. I was angry at my dad and I took it out on you and..."
"It's okay, really. Cause I was also gonna apologize," I was shocked to hear that.
"For what?"
"I crossed the line a little, in my opinion. I wanted you to not be so angry at your father because my parents, especially my dad, want nothing to do with me. The fact that your dad may have not had a choice to not know you and you weren't looking at it sent me over the edge," it seemed like she was trying to hold back tears.
I walked to the other side of the table and held her while she cried. I didn't know she was having problems. I mean everyone has problems but I didn't know hers were effecting her so much.
"Everything will be okay. I promise," I spoke low enough to where only she could hear me.
She nodded and wiped her eyes.
"Listen, I will always be here for you. If you need me for anything whether it be about Robby, your family, or just to talk, I am here. Got that?"
"Yeah," she said in a quiet manor.
"I promise you we will have a girl day once tour is done."
"I look forward to that. I'm always around guys..." she shook her head.
"I feel your pain. I'm spending some time with my sister when we get back," I chuckled.
"Lucky you. I don't have a sister to talk to."
"Not always lucky... We have our fair share of disagreements."
"I guess," she shrugged.
"By the way," she mentioned a moment later, "I go by Silence now. No more Jess, Jessi, or Jessica."
"Oh? Well I will remember that."

"Hey, Meagan. I want to apologize for overreacting the other day."
"I've been thinking and I should've told you when it happened, but you had your new job and I didn't want you stressing over this and work."
"It's fine. I miss you. We cool?"
"We cool," I know she's grinning on her end.
"When will you visit New York?"
"I'm not sure actually. I miss you and everything, but I don't know when I'll be able to make my way to you with my schedule..."
"You went from a laid back life to an extremely busy one."
"Oh yes... Connecting back with my sister, being on tour, and being a girlfriend all at the same time."
"Oh! How's Burn doing?"
"She's dating Angelo."
"The one and only."
"Oh my goodness, no way!"
"It's true."
"That's insane."