Home of the Free, the Sick, and Depraved

Step Off

-Razor's POV-

I woke up in a haze. The sterile smell of Lysol air freshener shot up my nose, and a steady beep could be heard-- god, that's annoying. I opened my eyes to see a hospital room. Quickly, I found a button that looked like it might call a nurse, so I pressed it. Within a couple minutes, a nurse walked into the room.

"Ah, you're awake."

Duh, how else would I have pressed the button?

"What did you need?"

I stared at the woman with an are-you-serious look. Let's see, my cheeks are torn to shreds, but she asked me a question-- idiot.

"Right. There's a pad and pen on the table next to you. I'll just grab that for you." She made her way over the wooden night stand-like table to the left of my bed.

She handed me the pad and pen, and I quickly scribbled, 'Call this number,' and wrote Brandon's number down.

"Alright. Want me to let them know you're alright?"

I nodded. The ditz of a nurse waltzed out of the room, and it felt like an annoying song was finally turned off. I am in a particularly bad mood today...

"Razor!" Brandon rushed to my bedside. Well that was speedy. "What happened?"

I grabbed my notepad and scribbled, 'Ex found me, raped me, cut me. Devin reopened wounds.'

His face dropped and anger quickly took over. He crumpled the paper and spoke, "I am going to murder both of them," through his clenched teeth.

I waved my arms to get his attention and rested my left hand on his shoulder. He looked at me, and I flashed a begging look. I quickly grabbed the pad from him and scribbled, 'I want to hurt them too but please not right now.'

"And we all thought it was makeup..." he trailed.

I placed my hand on his and gave him a sincere look so he wouldn't feel bad. I may be pissed today, but Brandon is really my only friend at this point. Jess is so busy with wedding preparations now-a-days, and Burn is my sister. Meagan lives in another state, and Slash is dead. What a time to be alive!(Note the sarcasm.)