Home of the Free, the Sick, and Depraved


-Razor's POV-

Finally out of the hospital-- still can't talk, but I'm free from the hell that is Wills Eye. I swear they hired whomever said he/she is a nurse without checking their competence. Burn is taking me back to Scranton with her and Angelo, so bye-bye, tour. The guys already left Pennsylvania anyway, and you know who hasn't bothered to text me? Josh.

"Come on, sweetie, let's go. I filled out your paperwork, but you just need to sign it." Burn handed me a sheet of paper. I looked it over, and signed it a the bottom.

I stood up slowly made my way to the door. There's nothing like life to make you depressed, am I right? I used to be so strong... Now I understand Slash's pain. Where ever you are, Slash, I'm sorry.

"You alright?" Burn asked from the driver's seat.

I turned my head and looked at her with heavy eyes. All I've wanted to do lately is break down and cry-- cry all of my pain away, cry away the depression, cry away the anger, and cry away life.

"It hurts so much to see you in all of this pain. You've lost so much weight, and you have a permanent smile on your face, but your eyes scream depression. You look so sick."

Thanks, dear sister. That was a wonderful way to make me feel better. Tears began to well up and then pour. My mouth wanted to open, but keeping it closed was a task in itself. My moans of sadness were so very uncomfortable.

"I'm so sorry, Razor. I am so sorry." Burn almost started to sob. Thankfully, we were close to the apartment.

When I walked into my bedroom, I saw my suitcase on the bed with a note taped to it. It read:


We are making Devin pay for what he did, don't worry. We buzzed off his precious hair, hid his makeup, and replaced his black clothes with pink ones(it may ruin the stage presence of MIW, but it's so worth it). As far as the bastard who did this to you in the first place goes, we will find him, and we will kill him. No one lays a hand on our sister-- not ever. The label sent us someone to stand in your place until you're able to use your mouth again... if you know what we mean... Kidding, but, really, get better soon. We miss you a whole lot.

--The guys on your side from Motionless In White(Ricky, Brandon, Chris, and Ryan)

Part of me died when I didn't see Josh's name at the bottom. I guess he really did want me out of his life. What did I do though? I honestly think he's just being over dramatic. We could have gotten over this. If he stayed, we could have gotten over this.