Home of the Free, the Sick, and Depraved

Call Me

-Razor's POV-

As Slash stretched, her sleeves fell down her arms and I gasped.
"What?" she asked, confused.
"Why?" I grabbed her arms that were covered from wrist to elbow in purple scars.
"I- I-" a tear slid down my cheek and I pulled her close. I may seem tough and all, but my friend is hurting and that kills me.
"Life is hard. Texas was rough for me. People were always teasing me for how pale I was/am and all the color I didn't wear."
"But what about these red lines? Fresh cuts?"
"You were in the hospital and I was scared. The blade calmed me down."
"Don't hate me."
"I don't hate you. I'm sad that I didn't see the signs. I'm gonna help you, okay?"

-Slash's POV-

I was shocked that Razor stayed. No one ever stays with me when they see my scars. I kind of don't want to stop, but the hurt in her eyes makes me want to.
"Call me if you feel the need to do it," she firmly said.
After Razor left, I cleaned my apartment. Mainly to rid it of the blades. I flushed all of the ones I could find down the toilet. Eleven blades and who knows how many scars.