Home of the Free, the Sick, and Depraved


-Razor's POV-

"Dad named you." Burn's words played over and over again in my head. "Razor-- because it didn't take much for you to hurt someone. Razor-- because people could never get too close to you."

Maybe it is time to retire 'Razor.'

I pulled out my phone and called Meagan.

"Hey!" she answered gleefully.

"Hey, I'm on my way to the airport. I'm moving back."

"Seriously? Awesome! Wait, did something happen?"

"Long story. Can I stay with you until I find a place?"

"Of course-- anything you need."

"Thanks, babe, you're the best." I hung up and looked out the window.

Once the cab pulled up to the airport, I paid the driver and yanked my bags out of the trunk. Thankfully the airport here isn't a mess of people like the one in New York. The security line moved swiftly, and I was soon waiting for my plane to board. I took this opportunity to call Chris.

"You've reached Chris. Sorry I missed your call, but it would be great if you left a voice mail, and I will call you when I can," his voice mail played.

"Hey, it's Lani. It's been great getting to know you guys and being your manager, but everything comes to an end. I'm moving back to New York, where I'll try to make a living somehow. This is nothing against you or anyone else-- well, maybe Josh, but I need to remove myself from that toxic environment. I wish you all well for the future."

Agitated, I sat in my seat. When is this plane going to board?

As if on queue, the flight attendant announced the New York flight is ready to board. After showing her my boarding pass, my phone began to ring-- Chris. I let it go to voice mail before turning off my phone.

-Chris's POV-

I checked my phone after getting out of the shower and saw a voice mail waiting. "Hey, it's Lani. It's been great getting to know you guys and being your manager, but everything comes to an end. I'm moving back to New York, where I'll try to make a living somehow. This is nothing against you or anyone else-- well, maybe Josh, but I need to remove myself from that toxic environment. I wish you all well for the future."

This timing couldn't have been worse. Brandon just let us know he's leaving the band as well. Maybe these two are planning something... No, that's crazy. We just have to find a new manager and a new drummer.

"You alright?" Dez rubbed my back.

"Just some band things." I shook my head.

"Well maybe this will cheer you up: I looked into some art schools here, and I'm thinking about transferring." She bit her lip.

"Really? That's great!" I smiled and hugged her.

"Yeah." She smiled back.

"Are you transferring just for me? Please don't take that as me being cocky."

"I'm transferring because I like it better over here, and having you here is a bonus." Dez winked.

"Well, I'm excited." I snaked my arms around her waist and leaned down to kiss her.