Mad House

something's happened in the attic, there's no way i am going up there

Adeline Mathias

"Shelly," Niall murmured into Adeline's shoulder. "Shelly, Shelly, Shelly..."

Adeline cooed words of comfort and stroked the boy's hair. The news of Rachel Tooley's death had not affected her in the tiniest bit. She'd only been there about three weeks and hadn't even known the girl other than in group therapy, where she was avoided and ignored because she didn't exist in this physical plane of being. She only existed to Niall, and even then she couldn't be sure. He saw things, things that weren't there... Could she be one of those delusions as well?

Rachel's suicide struck a heartstring within Niall; it nearly broke his fragile, innocent heart. He'd been at the Brim longer than she had and he'd made good friends with her. With everyone really. She'd come to find out more about him the more they were around each other. The poor guy had spent most of his life at the asylum. His parents were bad to each other, as he put it, and bad to him. He'd began seeing things at the age of five and had been sent to the local asylum at the time. He was eventually released. But when he'd come back home, things were just as bas they ever were. His visions returned and he hid it for as long as he could. But at the ripe young age of thirteen, he qualified for residence at Brindlebrim and was shipped there. He was twenty now and his parents had long stopped visiting.

"The shadow got her," he whispered. At this, Adeline lifted her head. It had been four days since the young girl's demise and during his grief, he had only said her name or how much he missed her. What was this shadow?


"Addie?" He cut her off, blue eyes watering as they peered into her own eyes. She wanted to ask but those eyes... They made her feel real, like she could be a true person. It was most curious, but she kind of liked existing even if it meant she was a cute man's delusion.


He looked down, pulling at his shirt hem. "Don't let the shadow touch you, okay? I think I'd miss you the most..."

She couldn't help but smile at the blond. He was so childlike and dopey in a way, but you couldn't help but smile. He was the kindest soul she had ever encountered. Brindlebrim was horrible; the floors creaked, the roof leaked, and the halls were plagued with mysteries and crazy people but Niall made it all worth while.

"Niall, what is this shadow?"

"It takes them at nighttime," he whimpered. He sounded like he was crying. "I hear them scream sometimes."


"Promise me, Addie! I can't lose anyone else!" His eyes went wild with fear and his lips formed a pout. Overwhelmed with the sudden change in attitude, Adeline through her arms around Niall and hugged him. His words meant so much to her. They sounded familiar, though. Promise me, Addie. The words echoed in the back of her mind. Had someone said this to her before? She didn't remember much before being sent here... It was all just black, empty space.

"I promise you, Niall. No shadows will get me," she swore to the frightened patient. Niall answered with a smile. Before any more could be said between the two, a voice over the intercom announced that it was time to get the nightly dose of pills and head to bed for light's out. They parted ways but made plans to have breakfast together. After taking her pills, Adeline wandered to her room.

Promise me, Addie... Promise me, Adeline...

Who could have said that to her? Could she have possibly existed once? If she did, it was all black now. There were words after that, she knew that much, but she couldn't recall them. She sighed and gave up trying to remember. She probably never would. It didn't bother her. As long as she had Niall in this terrible place, she would find a way to be happy.

She passed by her mirror on her way to the small bed and she caught her reflection. It wasn't her though. It looked like her, but it couldn't be, could it? This version of Adeline was prettier and looked a bit curvier and her smile was genuine. Even with the blood trickling down her face from a wound on her temple, she was a gorgeous being. Adeline almost knew her name... Allison? No. Arianne? That sounded much closer. Yet at another fork in the roads of her memories, Adeline thought it best to finally go to sleep.

When morning came, she found that she'd gotten a restless night's sleep and was not feeling up to par - not that she ever really did. She downed her dose of anti-crazy medication and went on through the halls. She walked lightly with a spring in her step. If there was one good thing about not existing, it was feeling lighter than air. She could dance around if she wanted to. She entered the dining hall and received a bowl of oatmeal, some water, and a spoon and soon found Niall at a small table to the back of the room.

"Your horns are especially lovely today," admitted the blue eyed beauty with a crimson hue to his cheeks. He had once told her that he saw her with beautiful antlers, the graceful kind that you would see on a buck in the wild. He also said that her dress was not the starch white of the hospital but it was flowing and beautiful and made entirely of clouds. Most would call such an idea silly but Adeline thought the image to be graceful and elegant.

"Thank you, Niall," she replied. He nodded and put a spoonful of dry oatmeal in his mouth and swallowed. She watched him as he ate. He seemed to be much better than the day before. Rachel was not forgotten of course, but Niall was nothing if not happy-go-lucky. He mourned her but now he would celebrate her. He was a truly good person, inside and out. Even if his delusions made him crazy, they showed him just how beautiful or ugly a person's insides were and it made him strive to be good. Adeline admired him for it. He had a purpose, a usefulness here in the asylum. She was nothing.

After breakfast, it was her scheduled session with Dr. James. She was lead to his office by a reluctant nurse who had also been victimized by his wandering eyes and trespassing hands. His room was just as horrible as she remembered it. Small, smoke filled, and bland. The only distinguishable features were the diplomas on the walls, the big oak desk, the black leather chair, and the pervert psychologist who sat upon it.

"So, Miss Mathias," he began right away. "We haven't met since before young Rachel...left us. How are you feeling?" He licked his lips before saying Rachel's name and he focused his eyes on Adeline's small but perky breasts. She felt cold and disgusted all at once.

"I'm fine. I didn't know her," she said truthfully.

"Really? No feelings about it at all?"

"It is terrible that she killed herself, of course," she started with her head low. "But I'm sure she had her reasons. I have to respect that."

"So you respect her wish to die? What if she had pleaded for her life?" Dr. Elliot James smirked and rose from his chair. For a split second, Adeline considered that he had murdered the young girl. But she soon recalled the rumors of his less than professional relationship with Rachel. And if she watched him long enough, she could see his hands shaking. He was sorry for the loss, even if he was too cruel to admit it. But what was he getting at?

"I don't know what you're trying to say, doctor."

"Oh, cut the shit, Miss Mathias," he growled and came closer. He dropped down to her height in the chair and placed a pair of cracked, dry lips on her neck. Instead of kissing the spot, he used the tip of his nicotine stained tongue to lick a trail up to her ear. "Don't pretend that you don't remember."

"Dr. James, I really don't-" she tried to say something, anything. She wasn't even concerned with his invasive ways this time. His words... They frightened her. In the dark parts of her mind, she heard a young girl pleading for her life. She begged not to die. Was it her? Was it Rachel? Did I kill Rachel? I could have. I don't even remember where I was when she died. I probably did it. I killed Rachel Tooley. Oh God, I killed Rachel Tooley.

"You never watched as an innocent young woman begged to be spared? You have never killed anyone, is that right?"

She swallowed hard. She wanted to deny it. She had no recollection of anyone ever dying at her hands. But that wasn't to say it never happened. Most of her life was like a photograph taken in the dark; she could just barely make out the shapes of what might have happened. She could hear that voice forming the words 'Promise me, Adeline,' followed by sobbing and then screaming. As the screams in her head developed, the voice started to sound like someone she knew once, but it wasn't Rachel. I couldn't have killed Rachel.

Dr. James nicked her earlobe with his teeth and snaked his hands up her hips, waist, middle... She stood abruptly but he did not stopped. He groped one breast firmly in one hand and dropped the other and then slipped it up her thigh. His calloused fingers climbed up thigh, past her dress, and rested without movement on her panties.

"You won't tell anyone, will you?" He laughed. "Promise me, Adeline," he taunted. How could he know? It had to have been coincidence. Still, it scared her out of her wits. The doctor had always been a handsy creep but he'd never violated her, not like this. She turned suddenly to face him. He was snarling but he looked like he would burst into tears at any moment. She realized this wasn't about her. It was about Rachel. Like it or not, the sick probably harbored more than a hard-on for the girl. Still, Adeline smacked him across the face as hard as she could and instantly regretted it.

His hand found its way into her hair, matting the locks around his long fingers. He growled like a feral animal. "Don't you ever touch me again, you crazy slut," he spat with venom. He gripped her hair tighter and laughed as she screamed in pain, soon throwing her to the ground. He sauntered over to the desk and pressed a button, saying, "Send Peter and Raoul."

Moments later, two large orderlies arrived.

"This patient was violent with me," he said. He wasn't lying, but it still wasn't the truth. But who would believe Adeline if she said anything. "I want her in solitary for three days. Think about what you've done to me. And that poor girl. Got it?"

Before she could make any more arguments or strike out again, she was hoisted up and lead from the room. Just like many she'd seen before in this situation, she kicked and screamed. It didn't take long for the other patients in the hall to turn their attention to her. She was seen, she could feel it. Only for a second, and only out of pity, but she existed. Even Niall came to see her off.

"Addie! What did you do?" He pleaded but the orderlies wouldn't stop. She only kicked harder.

"I'm going to solitary! I'll be back!" She screamed her answer.

"Promise me, Addie?" Niall's eyes were wide with fright, nearing tears. A young girl that Adeline had known as Valentine came and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. Adeline said nothing. That question hurt her so. She didn't know how, but she knew she'd broken her promise to a young woman... Possibly killed that young woman... She was done making promises.

"Niall!" was all she could manage before they locked her away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the long wait. I was sick, unfortunately.
Hopefully this chapter makes up for it!
(title for this chapter is from the song This Is My House, This Is My Home by We Were Promised Jetpacks)