The Letter My Mother Left Me

Love, Mommy

“What are you going to name him?” the soft spoken nurse says with an awestruck smile on her face.

I look down at my sweet baby boy wrapped up tightly in the blanket the hospital provided. My little darling, you are so sweet and so loved and you don’t even know it.

You fill my heart with joy. It’s so magical, someone I just met and have only known for maybe an hour and I love you so much.

“Peter,” I say quietly still admiring your beautiful sleeping face.

That was two years ago. You’re now running around giggling and screaming with glee. Our family puppy and you’re little buddy, Chip is prancing behind you never leaving your side.

I lie down in my bed longing for sleep, but I don’t want to miss a thing you do while I’m still here.
I know you know something’s up with me. I see in your bright green eyes that resembles your father’s. You just don’t know how to form it in words in your young mind.

That’s why every night when you take your big yawns and rub your sleepy eyes you make sure that you fall asleep in my cold lap wrapped in my thinning arms.

“Mommy,” you say in a sleepy voice, outstretching your arms up towards me indicating you want ‘uppy’.

I reach down, straining to pick up your light body. Once I finally have you in bed lying beside me I breathe heavily and noisily.

You suck your left thumb, reach over with your right hand and touch my bald head.

I bite down on my pale lip and run my bony fingers gently across your soft freckled face.

I was diagnosed with brain cancer about six months ago,I was only given eight months to live. The end is near for me, I know I’m not going to make it that far.

My hair is no more, I’m sleeping all of the time, I hardly ever eat, it’s just exhausting to live anymore.

That's why I wrote a letter for you a week ago.

Dear Peter,

I wrote you a letter hoping and praying that I would not have to leave this for you, because I would be here for you, but it is sad that, that is not the case . . . I want you to know, that I love you dearly.

Watching you grow these two years has been the most beautiful thing ever.

I hope that you don’t hate me because I have left you. Know that you can get through this and you can make it through life without me and do know that your father will always be there for you.

You probably won’t understand why I am gone at first, because you are young, and when you do grow up and understand know that it will be okay.

I won’t be there physically, but I will always be in your heart. I will always be watching over you, and I will always love you.

- Love,

♠ ♠ ♠
For this Contest

Word count:521