Stars Crossed

Crap Shoot

Audrey’s p.o.v

I could tell he was looking at me. I could feel his eyes on me. When I first arrived I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him. I was waiting for him to go talk to Ryan or something so that I could go up and ask them to introduce me, but no he just stayed in the same spot looking at me. I relised that the guy’s around me have stopped talking and are looking at me.

“What? Why are you guys looking at me like that?”

“Audrey we love you and have been friends with you for a long time, so we know when you are checking a guy out,” Tony Hawk said with a laugh.

“So which guy are you looking at?” Ryan Decenzo said while looking around.

“I have no idea what you guys are talking about. Y’all must me going crazy.”

“Oh she’s goin country on us guys!” Ian Walsh yelled.

“Shut up Ian!! You guys are a bunch of jerks. I don’t want to be friends with you guys anymore,” I said as I started to walk away and pretending to cry.

“Such a drama queen,” yelled Sean Malto.

I just laughed as I walked away to find Ryan.


Oh my gosh he is talking to the mystery guy. Oh he is so hot. I really want to take him right here on the greens in front of all the guy... oh my gosh what am I saying. I must be going crazy if I’m already thinking about having sex with him. I don’t even know the guy. I need a drink. Badly. OK, I’m just going to go up to Ryan and hopes he introduces me. Here goes nothin.


He turned around and he has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. That weird to say about a guy but I don’t care his a beautiful. I really hopes he likes me. The whole time that I was looking at him Ryan was introducing us and I just caught his name. So I just put out my hand and said that it was nice to meet him.

I got lost in his eyes. The way that light caught them and the way that the wind blow his hair to to those perfect eyes. I didn’t reilse we had been holding hands for so long till Ryan said something. I quickly took my hand away said “bye” and ran from that beautiful man.

When I got over to Travis and Lyn-z they were laughing their asses off.

“I’m guessing you guys saw that whole thing.”

“Oh Audrey we saw the Whole thing and it was so cute,” Lyn-z squealed. “You guys where like in your own little bubble.”

“It was pretty cut Audrey. How long have you two know each other?” Travis asked.

“That was are first time meet and I just lost of sense of talking. I had to clue what to do. Then Ryan knocked us out of the bubble and I ran away. I bet I’m never going to see him again today,” I said with a sigh.

“I get your hopes down to much,” Travis said while point to the board with all the teams.

I looked at it and it said...

Ryan Sheckler, Audrey Crockett and, Greg Bretz.

Holy shit! I’m going to die. I just embarrassed myself in front of him. He must think I’m some crazy girl that doesn’t know how to act around guys. Let me just go to the bathroom and kill myself now.