But I Love Him

Chapter one

Waiting with Ron and Harry at the platform, these guys were my best friends in the whole world I held them dearly...I still do. The normal morning back to school routine apart from Fred and George's new trick which strangely somewhat amused me even though the last few years I’ve found their tricks stupid and annoying, Ron loved their tricks and without ever saying it you knew he loved them so much the Weasley's are a very big and very loving family which made me happy to feel slightly part of their group. From behind us however we heard a cruel voice who didn't seem amused at all, it was Lucius Malfoy. He gave me a very cold look and turned to his wife "Look purebloods mocking themselves for the pleasure of half and mudbloods" his wife turned to look at us but then carried on fussing over her beloved son Draco. After all these years I still can't stand him and I know Harry and Ron hate him but I believe it’s all the fault of his father corrupting his young and vulnerable mind from such a young age, this is why even when he calls me a mudblood or tries to upset me I end up forgiving him because I believe there is some light in Draco just very deep down. Draco spotted me looking at him but chose to ignore it; perhaps he will just insult me solidly for two months now. Harry nudged me "Hermione? Are you ok?" he sounded like a brother caring for me, " Yes Harry I’m fine thanks let's get on the train before all the carriages are taken" I smiled and directed him to the doors dragging Ron with us whom seemed very upset to leave his brothers who were now flapping around tweeting at the top of their voices.
We found a carriage it was at the end of the train as we entered I could hear Draco's loud boasting of his father's great work, I hoped Harry couldn't hear him. Seamus Finnigan came into our carriage for only a brief moment, "Hey guys.....Hey Hermione" "Oh Hi Seamus its great seeing you again and it’s good to know your eyebrows have grown back again" I knew I shouldn't have said it but I couldn't help it, he burnt his eyebrows off on the last day of term whilst practising a very simple spell, Snape told him it would be a while till they grew back he also added you stupid, useless boy to his comment to but I’m sure Seamus wouldn't want to be reminded of that. Seamus turned red upon me saying this I knew he would be embarrassed by this but it came out of my mouth before I could think of what I was saying. I could hear Draco getting louder and louder perhaps he knew we was in the carriage next to him, this was going to be a very stressful trip. Me, Seamus, Ron, Harry, Fred and George was all in the carriage which seemed very crowded normally it’s just me, Ron and Harry but this year we had gained three more highly amusing people while Seamus was telling us about his holiday from the corner of my eye I saw Draco walk past, stop and stare into the carriage I prayed none of these boys would see him. He stood there for about ten minutes when I finally turned my head towards him and looked directly into his pale grey eyes, he had eyes just like his father, and he smirked and walked away. What is Draco playing at he has seen me looking at him twice now and he has said nothing not even a smug remark, the mudblood dig and laugh...it wasn't like him at all.