But I Love Him

Chapter ten

Lately I've have been spending more time here ... Just sitting... I don't even think Harry and Ron have realised I'm gone. Seamus notice he even sat out with me but I told him he has to get his essays done, so you thought see him for another week. The poor sweetie he leaves everything to last-minute, so he'll be more than likely completely hidden by paper.
I don't feel as stimulated in lessons. I feel like something is missing. It may just be that pansy has stopped shouting at me which, in a weird way, I miss. I mean don't get me wrong I'm glad it's over but why has it suddenly stopped?

You just overthinking this Hermione... Just shut up

Potions definitely hasn't been the same. I feel like I'm being stared at even when no one is actually looking at me, but it's weird because that's the only lesson that I feel like that in.

Face it Granger you are so confused for once the answers aren't in a book

I have been trying to talk to Ginny about how I feel and what I'm thinking about but she isn't that helpful. I know she wrapped up within Harry and thinking about everything that they could be so I don't actually blame her for ignoring me I mean... It's just... Maybe... Look I don't have a clue about anything that's happening to me. I am Hermione Granger logical and a insufferable know- it- all and for once i'm the one seeking answers from others rather than them asking me.

" Oi! "
I heard shouted behind me but I already knew who it was.
" Fred, George, aren't you too supposed to be somewhere?"
" yeah we are supposed to be in detention"
" then why aren't you, may ask?"
" oh look George, I didn't realise mum had come with us to school "
I rolled my eyes but they looked at each other smiling, I knew this was going to be a long drawn out performance.
" oh yes fred it is mum! Remember when she wouldn't let you to to bed until you had completed your homework?"
" why yes I do! Thanks you for reminding me George"

Yes thank you George, thanks for adding more fuel to this fire!

" Fred, you know you had to do that homework and George I'm pretty sure you have some homework too "
I turned to face both of them smiling sweetly and continued
" if I was your mother boys..."
I paused taking in the amused expressions on their faces
" there would be hell to pay for not doing something as important as homework. You think snape is bad? You haven't seen anything yet"
And with this I picked up my bag, slid it onto my shoulder and left smiling as their expressions changed from amused to slightly scared as my tone changed into more of a threatening one rather than just a playful one.
" it's a good job you're cute when you're mad hermione, otherwise there would be some major problems with our ability to overlook the homework business"
One of them called.

I do love them boys. Like literally they can make hell seem like a party... A party that is awfully hot but you get my meaning. Returning back into hogwarts I saw Draco but he wasn't surrounded by his usual gang instead he was talking to Lavender. I debated whether to go over to make sure he wasn't actually teasing her but she looked happy enough and he didn't have that smug little smirk he gets when he is actually teasing someone, so I just kept walking until I reached the stairs then it hit me Draco was speaking to lavender... A girl who speaks of fantasy creatures as if they actually exist... What could they have to talk about?

I would not make a good detective, it took me what about 10 minutes to asses the situation, walk off only to then realise what was actually happening

" Erm hermione? Are you going to be moving some time today you're kinda blocking the stairs"

Great and now I'm in the way

" oh sorry, I guess I just...."
I turned, if was Draco
"... Zoned out for a few minutes"
All he did was smile... He stood there and smiled.
" why are you smiling?"

Why did I say that?! That's a stupid question! It shouldn't have came out my mouth!

" because granger just because"
He continued smiling
" so are you going to move?"


I nervously smiled back and walked, somewhat quickly, back outside into the courtyard.

Oh my lord hermione what the hell was that? Well done you just successful came across like a creep to a guy who for some reason changed from being a complete ass to a weird smiley talkative... What is he now? Who is he now rather?