But I Love Him

Chapter three

So all in all I was going to be hated by people like Draco anyway but did I really care? I mean I will be hated by people at some point in my life so why not at high school. I sat down at our table with Ginny, god I did love her she was my best friend, as I sat down her smile got bigger it gave me little hope of a normal conversation with her.
"Hey Ginny, what is it now?"
"Nothing, nothing at all"
I rolled my eyes I didn't feel like I had to push her any further maybe I just really didn't want her to come back with a serious answer, I saw Neville, Ron and Harry stumble into the great hall all but Neville looking tired. After an uneventful breakfast we headed to our first lesson which turns out to be Potions, great the one lesson I hate, its the one thing I'm not strong in as. But at least I was with my friends so basically me, Ron, Harry, Neville and Seamus. Upon entering the class my eyes were on the floor so I didn't see who was in there till I heard him... Draco...talking to Pansy (I didn't care much for their conversation then again I didn't care much for her...him on the other hand I feel sorry for him). I could feel Harry glaring at him without even turning to face him, it wasn't Draco's fault it was his fathers, his father was the one who damaged him. Personally I didn't want to make eye contact with any of them because if I did I would get the whole mudblood rant, well i'd get it anyway but if I looked them in the eye it would have been worse.
"Oi Draco look who it is! Stranger Granger! Mudblood Granger!"
Draco looked at me as I turned my head to face them refusing to look them in the eye but I would still see the whole scene of them... he smacked her softly in the arm, making her fall silent.
"Shut up Pansy" He whispered almost her face was a picture she looked slightly crestfallen but scared at the same time, he, the MIGHTY DRACO, told Pansy to shut up. I smiled at both of them and politely said "Good morning to the both of you" I did this every time they insulted me but I changed the time of the day to suit the comment just to show them I didn't care. I pushed Harry and Ron away from them because I didn't want to cause a scene not over something so stupid as my blood status. We stood around the front and watched the demonstration that was put on for us, it was very interesting but I knew I wouldn't be able to 100% reproduce it perfectly but it was worth the try and at the end of the day if all I could do was try then I would try my best!
Harry and Ron seemed just to be laughing at how stressed I was at this little potion but at the end of the day I did want good results in potions. We was all kind of waiting for Seamus to blow something up thankfully we didn't have Snape today so Neville and Seamus could be at peace today...well for a while anyway...he would be back. I turned to look at Seamus it was comical how he was adding the ingredients to his potion, standing well back and shielding his face every time he dropped it in, everyone around him had wide eyes, looking like the eyes of a deer that were lit up by an oncoming van. We was all waiting for the massive bang but it didn't come...the look on Seamus face was lovely to see even though his potion didn't fully do what it was meant to do but he didn't make anything blow up, he left this time with both his eyebrows intact. In a way I felt so proud of him.