But I Love Him

Chapter five

I met Ginny and Luna at the front of the school I had decided to ditch the boys but they was fine with that they had each other any way I know that they wouldn't do their homework but they told me they would but regardless I would not hold my breath but I'm not their teacher so I don't really care either way. Me, Ginny and Luna sat just by the trees and talked about the days events so far. They both agreed it was strange how Draco had started to react then Luna started talking about some weird mystical creature that her father had told her about, so me and Ginny did the best that we could in following her story but it was quite hard as I found lots of issues in the validity of her story but I would keep my opinions to myself. We were sat there for about five minutes before lavender came and sat with us this was actually surprising as we wasn't that close to lavender at all, me and her never actually saw eye to eye there was always some kind of issue. She didn't say much And no one asked her a question so after about 10 minutes of sitting with us she left without a word.... Fine by me. We heard a lot of commotion coming from the doors then we saw Draco dart out of the doors not running but he seemed angry pansy followed in pursuit me and the girls sat for what appeared to be the next big thing... A courtyard fight. Since there isn't any televisions at hogwarts this is literally the next best thing, either watch someone fighting the courtyard or listen to someone shouting at each other during lunch or just sit in the common room for about 10 minutes and watching the drama unfold, I just realised how sad that actually sounds I mean it is fun to watch other people's drama because you're not involved... directly at least. Pansy was shouting after Draco for him to come back to her to finish the previous discussion but he didn't go back he turned just looked her up and down and left without saying a word. Pansy just looked completely destroyed and even started crying, not the best drama we've seen in this courtyard but still watching pansy cry and Draco not even speaking to her did qualify as drama. In the common room I met up with Ron and harry, Neville was there too but he seemed to just be looking out the window as if in a daze, I told them about what I have just witnessed between Draco and pansy they didn't actually really seem bothered because they believed it was another relationship domestic and they didn't want to get involved, but it didn't feel like that to me... That might have contributed to it but that couldn't have been the whole story something else must of happened. Maybe it started when he told her to shut up, she probably said "why are you defending a mud blood like her, she isn't important she's not even a pure blooded person" oh I wonder if that's what she said and I wonder what he responded with he probably... Well he might have defended me again that's probably why she chased him out of the castle demanding to know why he had started defending someone that he had been technically been verbally abusing all these years. I must say reflecting on my mind seems to be full of Draco at the moment, because of all the changes he seems to have gone through. I would never tell Ron or Harry this because I know how much they hate him so they would hate me to say anything about him that put him in a positive light, but I don't think it's his fault that he hates me I believe it's his dads fault he has obviously corrupted young Draco's mind into thinking that people who aren't pure blooded aren't actually even people at all, but hey what do I now! Hermione stop thinking about him! Come on girl you've got lessons to concentrate on homework to think about... But technically homework is still school work because I live at the school unless they literally want me to return to the muggle world just to do this work. My mind seems to wonder alot nowadays how ever some of my thoughts are actually more beneficial to me than others such as when I thought about carrying so many books in one bag and so many others in another bag, I had to think about my tipping scale... I didn't really want to fall flat on my face... Not again anyway.