But I Love Him

Chapter six

I pulled out my potions book and just started reading some of the most interesting potions that were contained inside, I had already done my homework (or schoolwork (referring to my last point) because unlike Ron and Harry I like to have it done on time, because that gives me time to do other things then instead of wasting my free time doing homework that should've been done before! It's just simple really it is very logical to do your work as soon as you get it because when it's done then it's out the way and then you have time to do everything you want to. But try telling that to these two, go on I dare you! They won't listen, they never do. I wonder why Neville is looking out the window...
"Neville... what are you looking at?"
"oh hermione I am just looking at those trees..."
"Oh...okay... Neville what are you looking at those trees?"
"because I swear I saw someone go in about half an hour ago and they have not come back out. I don't know if they have come back out because I didn't see them come out the way they went in"
"do you know who went into them?"
"Hermione do you know how high we are up here? everyone looks the same!"
"yes Neville I know that but still you would be able to see hair colour at least"
"I wasn't paying much attention to the hair colour to be honest with you I thought they was going to be in there for about 10 minutes and then come back out but I wasn't really intensely looking at them I was just taking in the scenery because I have to think of what I am going to write in that essay and it just caught my eye... You know me, I'm easily distracted ..."
"oh it's okay Neville I was just trying to make conversation but then again I did hear pansy and Draco having a little lovers tiff maybe it was him that went into the trees"
"yeah maybe...are you still making light conversation with me?"
"No Neville I was just suggesting who it might be... I 'll leave you alone now"
"sorry Hermione it's just I rather be left alone for a while nothing personal you understand".
I just nodded and went sat in one of the big comfy armchairs by the fire and continued reading my potions book. I wonder if that is Draco in the trees... What are they doing in the trees ? Why must I overthink everything? Oh I know it's early but I think I might have a lie down maybe that will stop my overworking brain! I asked one and Harry if they would wake me when it was time to go for tea and then I was on my way to the girls dormitory to sleep away these obsessive thoughts.