But I Love Him

Chapter seven

After that pointless conversation all I could think about was the fight between Draco and Pansy... Was it him in the forest? There were three ways to know/ find out; one being the marauder's map,two go into the forest myself or send an other and three ask Draco himself. But I decided to do none of the above as I thought it would be better to try and get some sleep although that was the reason I started thinking about this surprisingly being on your own helps you think about things you necessarily don't want to think about such as tall blonde boys and their pug faced girlfriends.... No I refuse to think about him any longer however I know this will not last I see him practically every day! Then again it's quite impossible not to see someone you basically live with and have lessons with! What is a girl to do? I wonder if Neville is still looking out the window, I wonder if anyone has left the forest yet or if anyone else has gone in, I wonder if I can see that part of the forest from my bedroom window. I get off of my bed as I haven't been lying in it I just been sitting upon it and I walked over to the window. Great! I could see that part of the forest! I mean.... now I can put my mind at rest. I don't even know what's happening to my mind lately it feels like it's just coming apart, ripping at the edges and just clinging on by clear silver threads waving about in the wind like cobwebs pulsating with thoughts of nonsense. I sat at the window until it went dark outside so I couldn't see any more then with a hint of regret I got back into bed and went to sleep. In the morning breakfast seemed to go by so slowly, I felt that everyone is looking at me and I didn't know why Ginny turned to me and said "Hermione do you know your in your pyjamas?!" I looked down and low and behold I was in some pyjamas that I hadn't seen since I was six years old they were pink and they had unicorns on and clouds and words such as dream and wake up, oh I hope this is a really bad dream and I hope I wake up soon! I shot up in bed dripping with sweat as if it was an intense nightmare but it wasn't it was practically a minor one is mean everyone has stupid dreams like that. It was 4 in the morning so I got changed and went to sit in the common room I know it is early but some people may like to get up at this time. Only a first year was downstairs and he didn't even look at me when I entered the room so I guessed I'd be alone for a while, after about 10 minutes of just standing there looking like a spare tool I decided that I would go for a little walk around the castle, nowhere major like the library but just around. Breakfast was at 8 so I had a few hours to waste we wasn't aloud outside in these early hours but walking around would be fine I passed a few children who looked so tired they didn't know what to do with themselves the poor things I passed the girls toilets and I could hear crying not loud over the top crying but faint 'I'm not here' kind of crying. At first I didn't know whether to see if that person was ok because it seemed like they came out all this way to get some privacy but then again if it was something I could help with then I'm going to try to! I knocked the door first but all that happened is the crying moved further away... I knew this wasn't moaning myrtle she didn't seem to cry as much lately... I opened the door
"hello my name is Hermione Granger, is there anybody crying in here? Is there anything I can help with?"
One of the doors swinger open, it was pansy parkinson so I knew her answer wasn't going to be the greatest
"shove off mudblood!"
"and a good morning to you too pansy"
And with that I left her to be a miserable so and so by herself!