But I Love Him

Chapter eight

I don't care. I don't care. I don't care! I'm not going to let her get to me! I don't care. How dare she speak to me like that! I understand that she's upset but still!! I've never done anything wrong to her so why should she hate me just because of the basis that I am not as they say "pure blooded"! Oh why should I care, I mean, she is the narrow minded one here. I would be open to a friend ship with them. It's still too early for breakfast and too early for any of my friends to be awake, oh boys... Oh and the odd girl to! No matter how hard I tried my mind kept slipping back to Draco and pansy, why did they have that argument yesterday? Was that Draco in the forest? Why is pansy crying in the girls bathroom? Maybe I should go back and tell her the dangers of being on one's own in the girls bathroom. I chuckle to myself remembering that one year well my first year with the troll at the time it was a very funny… I thought was going to die but now I think I can laugh about it. From behind me I heard a low questioning voice, one I have not heard in a while.
" why are you laughing?" Said Draco
"i'm sorry?" I replied in disbelief, he didn't sound sarcastic at all. In a way I didn't know whether to feel scared or surprise.
"what are you sorry for? what have you done?" Draco replied adding a small but kind smile afterwards,
" okay who are you and where is the real Draco?" I know it's a bit harsh but come on the guy goes from one extreme to the other; being really horrible to me then being really nice. I don't get it!
"funny Hermione... Can't a guy change?"
"frankly Draco no, no he can't! I really don't understand you! you got from being really horrible to me to being polite! I'm sorry for not thrusting trust on to you right now but you are acting super weird!"
And then I turned and left he didn't call after me. So I'm pretty sure that he got the picture; he is weird. After that brief encounter I went back to the safety of the common room. I'm definitely going to stop going for walks, it's like all the creepy people come out and the problem is these creeps know magic!