Status: Active... Sometimes i forget though


Chapter 4

Tuesday, August 6

I watch all the people walk by as I wait for Alyssa to finish shopping. I honest to god hate the mall. I work here and apparently I like to spend my free time here as well. I pinch the bridge if my nose and stare at the store across from me. I make a face. Hollister.

Alyssa walks up to me. She hands me two more bags making me carry now 5. I follow her and she heads into a store called body central. Which are all pretty much club dresses. I don't even go in. I search for a bench. Estee is sitting on the bench infront of the Gregg and she's staring at her hands picking at the fuzzy stuff on her work slacks. I sit in the empty seat beside her. She looks up.

"Long day ?" She asks me.

I give her a droll look. She smiles a little.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

She fidgets a little. "Waiting for my ride. " she mumbles.

"When's your ride supposed to come ?" I look at her.

She's staring at the floor. "What time is it ?"

I glance at my phone "5:47." I look back at her.

She seems to be thinking. " about an hour and a half ago ." She finally says.

I stare at her. "When did you get out of work ?"

"2 hours ago." Her little leg bounces up and down.

"Seriously ?" I say shocked.

She nods.

"Who was supposed to pick you up?"

"Axel. He has my car." She stares at the floor again. Her mouth is pressed in a line.

"Need a ride ?" I ask jingling my keys.

"Don't you have other things." She nods to the store Alyssa is in.

I shrug. "We are done. "

"If your girlfriend doesn't mind. " she murmurs and I glance at her. She blushes and looks at the floor. I glance up to see Alyssa coming towards us with two more bags and lightning shooting out of her eyes.

I stand up. "Alyssa this is Estee, axels younger sister. Estee this is Alyssa my girlfriend. " Alyssa is still glaring. "It's time to go. I'm dropping Estee off too. "

She turns her glare at me. "What?"

I nod. "Let's go. " I grab the bags and Estees arm because I knew if I didn't she would still sit there.

We walk into the hot summer air and I throw the bags into the trunk of my Audi. I see Alyssa staring Estee down and. Estee staring at the black pavement below us. I open Alyssa's door and she gets in without a word and I open Estees door. She blushes and mumbles a thank you.

I run to the other side of the car. I get in and blast the AC. I pull out of the parking lot and I tap the steering wheel with my fingers and whistle to cover up the awkward silence.

Alyssa's house was literally two blocks from the mall. I help her carry the bags in and by help I mean carry all the bags in and set them down in her room. She pulls me to her and kisses me. I pull back remembering Estee is still outside in the heat.

"Call me later." I say and walk out the door.

I hear her grunt and slam the door behind me. I roll my eyes. I get back in the car. Estee still sitting in the back staring at her hands.

"You can come up here you know I don't bite." I pat the passenger seat and she gets out and slides into the seat.

I start to hum as I drive away.

"Dare." Estee says out of nowhere.

I look at her. "What?"

"You were humming dare by the gorillaz. " she mumbles and looks at the passing scenery.

"I was." I state. "How did you know."

She nods. "They are great. I love their songs. "

I smile. "I ever tell you that you have wicked taste in music?"

She blushes. "Thanks ?"

"I also want to thank you. For the other night." I murmur.

She looks surprised. "It was nothing."

"I don't think watching over one of your brothers drunk friends all night is nothing ." I retort.

She shrugs. "So."

"Nice comeback."

"Shut up."

"What are you 12?" I fake scowl and she laughs.

I smile. That's the first time I've heard her laugh. It's infectious. I laugh. And shake my head. She wipes her eyes. I pull into her drive way just in time for Axel to walk out the house.

"Thanks for the ride Noah." Estee says with a small smiles. She gets out and walks right past a confused Axel.

I wave at Axel and he waves back confused. I pull out of the driveway and head back home.

I walk through the front door of my house and I hear my younger sister arguing with my younger brother. They are twins. Lani and Benji. Lani slaps him.

I head straight to my room to take a shower. I plug in my phone to the speakers and click on spotify. I jump into the shower as knee socks by the arctic monkeys comes on. The song ends and ride by Lana Del Rey comes on. I've heard this recently.

Estee was singing it when she was taking care of me. I turn the water off and listen to the lyrics. Such an odd song to sing.

I get dressed and lay down in my bed as I hear footsteps running around the hallways. I place my hands behind my head and hum to myself. Dare. I smile and I accidentally fall asleep.
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I feel like this isn't long enough. I'll update by the end of the week hopefully. Thank you for reading. Don't forget to comment/ recommend/subscribe.

Estee's playlist:
Dare- the gorillaz
Ride- Lana Del Rey